The Captains of Industry Award
Honors leaders in business, industry and government such as presidents, CEOs, senior vice presidents and directors of organizations with substantial sales, assets, employment, or other resources.
- IISE members and non-members.
- Members of the IISE Board of Trustees and the Honors Steering Committee are ineligible.
- Honorees must be present at the Honors & Awards Banquet to accept the award.
- No more than three awards are granted each year.
- Awardees will be those who have used industrial engineering methods to generate significant success in their company or IE graduates who demonstrate leadership at a national or international level and who identify the IE profession as a key reason for their success.
- Awardees will be outstanding leaders recognized by their accomplishments and for the importance of their organization. The nominee should be of such prominence as to bestow high visibility and noteworthiness to the IE profession.
Nomination process:
- Complete and return the nomination form.
- Three letters of recommendation should be limited to a maximum of two pages each.
- The nomination form, the nominator's letter and CV package should be limited to 12 pages.
- The entire nomination packet should be no more than 18 pages total.