Healthcare Labor Management Online On-Demand

In this training course, learn the critical aspects of designing and executing a comprehensive labor management program for your health facility at your own pace.

Welcome to the Society for Health Systems

The Society for Health Systems, the preeminent organization for healthcare engineers, is the meeting of minds for health systems professionals and leaders like you. SHS offers a wide network of colleagues, experts and resources outside your organization, along with the latest and best process analytics, tools, techniques and methodologies for performance improvement and opportunities for professional development.

Aaron Kanne “Membership has helped me in my career because it has given me an avenue of continual learning and growth. Plus, I have had the chance to meet so many others that I've been able to build relationships with and I can call on them whenever I need advice or another perspective on my specific problems. I also enjoy mentoring others, and I feel I've been able to positively impact the careers and lives of others, which gives me a sense of fulfillment in my career and professional life.”

– Aaron Kanne, Director of Industrial Engineering, Wellstar Health System

Here’s what you earn with SHS membership

  • Build connections. Network with other healthcare industry professionals through the annual Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference and SHS Networking Events. Gain exclusive access to the IISE Membership Directory. Participate in the SHS Mentoring Program.
  • Increase your skills. Learn from others’ success work at the Healthcare Systems Conference. Learn new improvement skills at a conference Intensive. Listen in on an SHS educational webinar about current healthcare issues. Read about best practices in ISE Magazine. Find out which universities have healthcare engineering programs to further your academic education.
  • Develop professionally. Improving your public speaking skill by presenting your work at conference. Polish your writing skills by authoring an article in ISE Magazine. Volunteer with SHS and learn a new ability or gain valuable leadership skills.
  • Get recognized. Learn your worth with SHS’s Annual Salary Survey report. Attain a scholarship for university education or to attend the HPSI Conference. Win the Student Simulation Competition. Earn the SHS Diplomate designation to demonstrate your commitment to your profession.
  • Give back. Share your experiences with a mentee. Provide feedback on conference presentations. Contribute to the scholarship fund. Share information about your department and salary. Volunteer your time and talent to one of the many SHS Committees.

Join here

Contact customer service for more info at (770) 449-0460 or

Interested in speaking to an SHS professional? Contact Membership Coordinator, Amy Straub at for more details.

Members are elected to this board using a society-wide election each year in December. Here is the current SHS board.
