Logistics and Supply Chain Banner

Logistics and Supply Chain Division

About the division


The mission of the Logistics & Supply Chain (LSC) division is to provide its membership with the body of knowledge, networking opportunity, recognition and educational programs to stay competitive in the global market.

LSC Goals

  • Collaborate with IISE to advance the institute’s mission in the IE discipline.
  • Develop, maintain, and disseminate a body of technical knowledge in the area of logistics and supply chain.
  • Create a forum for technical networking and idea generation for division members.
  • Recognize members and industries for their outstanding contribution to the division and the IISE.
  • Educate division members by sharing cutting edge research, state of the art practice, and current tools and techniques of logistics and supply chain.

Review the Logistics and Supply Chain Division bylaws.


The Logistics and Supply Chain Board consists of of a President, President-Elect, Past-President, and 8 Directors. The directors serve a 2 year term. The President serves a three-year term. 1 year as President-Elect, 1 year as President, and 1 year as Past-President. 2 Student Leader Board members may be appointed to the board for 1 -2 year terms.

Click here for the current Logistics and Supply Chain Board of Directors.

Honors and Awards

The Logistics and Supply Chain Division has 6 competitions and awards. The Best Student Paper Competition, the Best Track Paper Competition, Facilities & Design Planning (FDP) Best Track Paper, Student Case Competition, Outstanding Industry Practitioner Award, and the Teaching Award.

Click here to learn more about each award.

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May News


December News
September News
May News

Please submit articles or your company highlights to Taner Cokyasar.

Join Us!

Membership to the LSC division is free for all IISE members. To join the LSC division, click here and choose "Update your Member Record."