36 ISE Magazine | www.iise.org/ISEmagazine
In Chapter 2 of their 2003 groundbreaking book, Lean
Thinking, James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, the pio-
neers of Lean, wrote: “Our initial objective in creating
a value stream map identifying every action required to
design, order and make a specific product is to sort these
actions into three categories: 1. Those which actually cre-
ate value as perceived by the customer; 2. those which create no
value but are currently required by the product development,
order filling or production systems (Type One muda) and so
cannot be eliminated just yet; and 3. those actions which do
not create value as perceived by the customer (Type Two muda)
and so can be eliminated immediately. Once this third set has
been removed, the way is clear to go to work on the remaining
nonvalue-creating steps through use of (the principles of Lean).
Value is what the customer gets, like a product or a service of
high quality, in a fair period of time at a fair price that he or she
is willing to pay.
A value stream is all the steps, both value-added and non-
value-added, which must be performed in a manufacturing or
service process or system to deliver that product or service to a
Value stream mapping (VSM) is the (manual) method that
produces a map that helps to see and understand the material
and information flows involved in a product’s value stream as it
makes its way from beginning (raw material) to end (nished
A value stream map permits the identification of every pro-
cess in the flow of a product family, pulls them out from the
background clutter of the organization and builds an entire
value stream based on the principles of Lean. The map helps
to plan and prioritize the changes within a value stream instead
of a whack-a-mole “blitzkrieg” of kaizens to eliminate waste
randomly throughout the organization, which is what typically
happens with other continuous improvement programs like
Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma.
The attached list on Page 37 includes the reasons why the
developers of VSM, Mike Rother and John Shook (Learning
to See: Value Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda,”
2009), consider the method to be an essential tool to plan the
implementation of Lean in any manufacturing or service sys-
tem. However, the literature suggests that within Toyota, a val-
ue stream map is called a material and information flow diagram
and value stream mapping is called material and information
flow analysis.
How a value stream map helps
to implement Lean
The standard approach to prepare a current state map for a
products value stream is to follow the product’s production path
from customer to supplier and carefully draw a visual represen-
tation of every process (step) in the material and information
flow(s) for that product. The VSM that results, such as the cur-
rent state map shown in Figure 1 (page 38) and the future state
map shown in Figure 2 (page 39), consists of three sections: The
value stream
mapping for
High-mix, low-volume shops
need software toolkit
to analyze production
By Shahrukh A. Irani
April 2021 | ISE Magazine 37
material flow which is the section marked as 1 in both figures;
the information flow, which is the section marked as 2 in both
gures; and a timeline, the section marked as 3.
Next is a standard set of key questions asked about the current
state map to develop a future state map, such as the one shown
in Figure 2:
What is the takt time?
Will you build to a finished goods supermarket or directly to
Where can you use continuous flow processing?
Where do you need to use supermarket pull systems to con-
trol production of upstream processes?
At what single point in the production chain (the pacemaker
process) will you schedule production?
How will you level the production mix at the pacemaker
What increment of work will you consistently release and
take away at the pacemaker process?
What process improvement will be necessary for the value
stream to flow as your future state design specifies?
The future state map describes how value should flow in the
value stream and displays a portfolio of projects that must be
done to improve the value-adding steps in the value stream and
eliminate or reduce the nonvalue-adding steps (waste) in the
value stream (Rother and Shook, 2009).
The primary goal of this article is to suggest that high-mix
low-volume (HMLV) manufacturers should quit using value
stream mapping. Instead, they should switch to using maps like
the ones shown in Figures 3-7 that help to visualize and analyze
multiproduct production systems.
HMLV manufacturers, especially job shops that wish to
implement Lean, should stop using value stream mapping to
guide their Lean implementation. Any effort to use VSM to
implement Lean in an HMLV production system, especially a
job shop, will fail because of the numerous limitations of the
method ( Job Shop Lean: An Industrial Engineering Approach to
Implementing Lean in High-Mix Low-Volume Production Systems,
Irani, 2020). Instead, they should invest in a software toolkit
that has both the data analysis and visualization capabilities to
(heuristically) solve three commonplace and hard problems that
all industrial and systems engineers) are familiar with:
Doing a cluster analysis of their entire product mix to identify
potential product families in their entire product mix. Each
product family is a value stream.
Generating a flow diagram for each product family. Alterna-
tively, this flow diagram could display any large meaningful
sample of products extracted from their product mix based
on operational or business criteria or their entire product
Generating a Gantt chart (Figure 7, Page 41) that shows the
production schedule for each cell and the external work cen-
ters (possibly including the vendors) in the facility. Or the
Gantt chart could display the production schedule for all pro-
duction resources in the entire facility.
The following provide the details for some of the major limi-
tations of value stream mapping with a brief description on how
to overcome each limitation using well-established ISE science
and software.
Limitations of value stream mapping: General
Limitation: VSM is a manual method that is slow, cumber-
some and error-prone.
How to eliminate it: Software, such as eVSM, IFAKT and
Minitab Companion, is available.
Limitation: VSM does not utilize the science and tools that
Why value stream mapping
is an essential tool
It helps you visualize more than just the single process level,
i.e., assembly welding, etc., in production. You can see the
It helps you see more than waste. Mapping helps you see the
sources of waste in your value stream.
It provides a common language for talking about manufac-
turing processes.
• It makes decisions about the flow apparent so you can
discuss them; otherwise, many details and decisions on your
shop floor just happen by default.
It ties together lean concepts and techniques, which helps
you avoid cherry-picking.
• It forms the basis of an implementation plan. By helping you
design how the whole door-to-door flow should operate – a
missing piece in so many Lean efforts – value stream maps
become a blueprint for Lean implementation. Imagine trying
to build a house without a blueprint.
It shows the linkage between the information flow and the
material flow. No other tool does this.
It is much more useful than quantitative tools and layout
diagrams that produce a tally of nonvalue-added steps, lead
time, distance traveled, the amount of inventory and so on.
Value stream mapping is a qualitative tool by which you
describe in detail how your facility should operate in order
to create flow. Numbers are good for creating a sense of
urgency or as before/after measures. Value stream mapping
is good for describing what you were actually going to do to
affect those numbers.
38 ISE Magazine | www.iise.org/ISEmagazine
Enhancing value stream mapping for manufacturing
ISEs (industrial and systems engineers) routinely use in their
How to eliminate it: A future state can be achieved us-
ing practices similar to or even beyond those listed earlier. For
example, there is ample opportunity to utilize ISE methods like
assembly line balancing, work study, facilities planning, material
handling, production planning and control, inventory control,
systems simulation, supply chain management, warehouse de-
sign, operations research and quality control.
Limitation: A current state map is a single snapshot of the
state of a dynamic production system on the day (or during the
week) that the map was created.
How to eliminate it: The technique of work sampling
could be used to obtain multiple snapshots of a dynamic value
stream, especially if it is a dedicated multi-product assembly
line, aka, mixed model value stream.
Software for finite capacity scheduling, such as PREAC-
TOR, TACTIC and SCHEDLYZER, is available.
Software for dynamic simulation of systems, such as ANY-
LOGIC, FLEXSIM and SIMIO, is available.
Limitation: VSM assumes that the underlying production
system is an assembly line operating in a make-to-stock mode
producing a very limited range of highly similar products.
How to eliminate it: There is ample opportunity to ex-
tend VSM to handle make-to-order production systems that are
not assembly lines. For example, instead of single-piece flow, an
order batch could be split into two or more transfer batches, and
instead of heijunka, there could be many different orders and
each order could have a due date.
Limitation: A single current state map is just about able to
capture all the data associated with just one product. It is infea-
sible (and impractical) to fit and visually display the data for an
entire product family on a pencil-and-paper map.
How to eliminate it: In an ideal scenario, a value stream
map should become an electronic dashboard that is produced by
the ERP (enterprise resource planning) system.
The ERP system would keep refreshing the dashboard with
new data pulled in real time from other systems, such as an
MMS (machine monitoring system), an MES (manufacturing
execution system) and a QMS (quality management system).
Limitation: VSM cannot handle the (upstream) complexity
of visualizing and scheduling the synchronized production and
delivery of components and sub-assemblies needed to build the
nal product.
How to eliminate it: An alternative to VSM is the method
of value network mapping (Value Network Mapping: Enhanc-
ing Value Stream Mapping to Enable Lean Manufacturing in
Job Shop-type Custom Manufacturing Facilities, Irani, 2004).
Current state map
The current state map for a manufacturing value stream.
April 2021 | ISE Magazine 39
In a value network map (1) the material flow section of the map
would be occupied by an operations process chart and flow dia-
gram, and (2) the information flow section of the map would
be occupied by a Gantt chart. (www.leanmanufacturing.japan.
Limitations of value stream mapping:
Material flow(s)
Limitation: A current state map always shows only one prod-
uct routing. In practice, the product mix of any HMLV pro-
duction system could consist of hundreds of different products
being produced in a factory that could have anywhere from 10
to 100 different work centers.
How to eliminate it: This limitation can be overcome by
selecting a representative sample of products using PQ Analysis,
PQ$ Analysis or other sampling approaches.
Software for cluster analysis can be used to find several prod-
uct families in a large product mix. Each product family could
be represented by a separate value network map.
Limitation: A current state map does not show the full ex-
tent of the “seven forms of waste,” especially transportation, in-
ventory, operator motion and waiting.
How to eliminate it: This limitation can be overcome by
generating a flow diagram, a flow process chart and a from-to
chart to complement the current state map.
These traditional ISE tools are better than a value stream map
for visualizing and measuring the wastes in the flow represented
by each and every arrow that appears in a value stream map, re-
gardless of whether that arrow represents a (hard) material flow
or a (soft) information flow.
Limitation: A value stream map focuses on one product
family. It fails to show if that family is sharing manufacturing
resources with one or more other product families in the prod-
uct mix.
How to eliminate it: This limitation can be overcome by
generating a flow diagram, a flow process chart and a from-to
chart to complete the current state map.
Software, such as PFAST and SGETTI, is available to over-
come this limitation. For example, Figure 3 on Page 40 shows
the work centers that are common to the different product fam-
ilies in the product mix.
Limitation: A product family is a group of products that
pass through (almost) the same processing steps performed on
common equipment. In the case of a typical HMLV manufac-
turer, their product mix could have hundreds if not thousands of
different products. For example, Figures 3 and 4 (page 40) were
generated using data obtained from a multiproduct, multima-
chine printed circuit board fabrication facility. In contrast, VSM
Future state map
The future state map for a manufacturing value stream.
40 ISE Magazine | www.iise.org/ISEmagazine
Enhancing value stream mapping for manufacturing
does not have any demonstrated capability to analyze a large
product mix to identify one or more product families.
How to eliminate it: Cluster analysis would help to ap-
proximate the number of clusters and determine the extent of
duplication of work centers needed to separate product families
with common work centers. Figures 3 and 4 present a visualiza-
tion of two potential product families, and the corresponding
group of work centers that will constitute the cell to produce
each product family.
Software like Matlab, Minitab and JMP offer a range of well-
established cluster analysis algorithms. Alternatively, software
like Python and R can be used to program cluster analysis algo-
rithms from scratch.
Limitation: A value stream map ignores the impact of facil-
ity layout, material handling, lot splitting (or lot streaming), and
related practices.
How to eliminate it: This limitation can be overcome by
generating a flow diagram, a flow process chart
and a from-to chart to complement the current
state map.
Software, such as PFAST and SGETTI, is
available to overcome this limitation. Figure 5
is the flow diagram for the current material flow
in a custom forge shop with a product mix of
530 different part numbers. A value stream map
developed for a single forging could not have
exposed the waste that can be discovered using
a flow diagram developed for the entire product
Limitations of value stream
mapping: Information flow(s)
Limitation: The process parameters shown in
the data box for each process step in any current
state map may not be accurate because they are
recorded on the day that the map is created.
How to eliminate it: Software for time and
motion study, such as OTRS10, TIMER PRO,
PROPLANNER and QUETECH, is available
to overcome this limitation.
Limitation: The process parameters shown
in the data box for each process step in any cur-
rent state map are assumed to remain constant.
How to eliminate it: Software for machine
monitoring, such as MACHINEMETRICS,
FACTORYWIZ and MERLIN, can collect
the data over a period of time to update standard
times and variability in that data.
Limitation: The future state map is de-
signed for a constant takt time and a very limited
product mix.
How to eliminate it: Software for dynamic
Identifying product families
The product-process matrix shows the work centers that are
common to the different product families in the product mix.
Flow diagram for large product mix
The current material flow in a custom forge shop with a product mix of 530 different
part numbers.
A hierarchical cluster analysis dendrogram to identify product families.
April 2021 | ISE Magazine 41
simulation of systems, such as ANYLOGIC, FLEXSIM and SI-
MIO, is available to overcome this limitation.
Software, such as eVSM, IFAKT and Minitab Companion,
is available to model production systems like, 1. several variants
of the same standard product are produced on the same line; or
2. several products sharing the same platform are produced on
the same line.
Limitation: The template of icons for creating a future state
map is limited to a pull scheduling system for a make-to-stock
production system, specifically an assembly line.
How to eliminate it: There is ample opportunity for cre-
ative ISEs to expand the template of icons for creating a future
state map to capture other pull scheduling systems (CONWIP,
POLCA, DRUM-BUFFER-ROPE), different priority dis-
patching rules (earliest due date, critical ratio, common setup)
and other HMLV production systems (job shop, flow shop,
flexible job shop, engineer to order).
Limitations of value stream
mapping: Timeline for
production lead time
Limitation: At the bottom of every
current state map and future state
map, a timeline is drawn manually to
show the value-added times, nonval-
ue-added times and production lead
time (= VA times + NVA times) for
the product (family).
How to eliminate it: The same
timeline can be produced using the
Excel template for a Gantt chart as
shown in Figure 6.
Limitation: The only performance metric that is cal-
culated to assess the order fulllment capabilities of the
production system is the value-added ratio) = (sum of all
VA times) ÷ production lead time.
How to eliminate it: The value-added ratio metric
should be complemented by the three Theory of Con-
straints metrics: throughput, inventory and operating
A multiproduct Gantt chart produced by the ERP sys-
tem (or a third-party finite capacity scheduler integrated
with the ERP system) would help to see the nonvalue-
added times in the timeline for each product. The NVA
times on the timeline of each work center are due to the
competition for shared resources with other products,
material handling delays, etc. Figure 7 illustrates how a
multiproduct, multimachine Gantt chart can simultane-
ously display the timelines for many products on a single
value stream map.
HMLV manufacturers, especially job shops that wish
to implement Lean, should stop using value stream map-
ping to guide their Lean implementation. Instead, they
should use an ISE software toolkit that has the data analysis and
visualization capabilities to: 1. do a cluster analysis of their entire
product mix; 2. generate a flow diagram for their entire product
mix; and 3. display one or more Gantt charts for the production
schedule for any planning horizon.
Shahrukh A. Irani, Ph.D., is president of Lean & Flexible, a consult-
ing firm in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a former director of IE research at
Hoerbiger Corp. of America, a former associate and assistant professor in
the Department of Integrated Systems Engineering for The Ohio State
University, and an assistant professor in the IEOR Division, Depart-
ment of Mechanical Engineering, at the University of Minnesota. He
earned a Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Pennsylvania State Uni-
versity, a masters degree in industrial engineering from the University of
South Florida and a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the
Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, India. He is an IISE member.
Contact him at shahrukhirani1023@yahoo.com.
Gantt chart template
The value-added ratio timeline generated using Excel template for a Gantt chart.
Gantt chart
The Gantt chart displays the timelines for many products displayed on one
value stream map. (Source: Prasad Velaga, optisol.biz/schedlyzer/)