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Finding a silver lining amid the pandemic
The open-ended and independent nature of the course are
keys to the students’ experience. The class’ main features were
maintained while being supplemented by additional detailed
frameworks, project templates and reminders. The course
evolved from a more structured environment at the begin-
ning of the semester to less structure and independence as time
The PPF and GAI projects fit well with the online format
during the summer term and served as models for the future.
In turn, as projects were identified for the fall term, the course
was better prepared to understand the types of projects that
would be feasible, given the uncertainty of being able to de-
liver the course face-to-face.
In addition to the online friendly projects, the summer term
experiences identified several lessons learned as outlined be-
Additional framework and structure. Based on stu-
dents’ continuous feedback, the supplemental frameworks
and structure helped them succeed. It was also important to
provide more guidance at the beginning of the semester and
then allow teams to work more independently as the projects
progressed. Consequently, the initial structure improved the
student teams’ performance as well as their abilities to work
Project management concepts. Although all students
had previously been exposed to project management tools and
concepts within the curriculum, some time had passed. The
capstone course lectures served as a reminder of project man-
agement concepts, and the projects provided an opportunity
to apply those concepts in real time.
Moving online has its benefits. Our goal is to support
students in becoming successful contributors to society. Once
the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, the lessons students
learned when managing and participating in a project remote-
ly will serve them for years to come. Students not only honed
their technical acumen during these projects but also were
able to develop better communication, meeting and planning
skills. Instead of learning these skills in the first months of
employment, they gained experience while working on their
senior projects in an online environment.
Another benefit of moving the course online was expanding
the reach of the client sponsors. Before the pandemic, clients
were located in the greater Pittsburgh area primarily because
of the need for regular face-to-face meetings. The summer
term proved that successful project outcomes were achieved
independently of clients and team location. More specifically,
one client, PPF, was located in California and students in the
class were located in Pennsylvania, Virginia and New Jersey.
Continuous feedback. The ability to have constant and
consistent lines of communication and dialogue with students,
clients and mentors was a primary key to the success of de-
livering the senior design capstone course in an online en-
vironment. Communication was balanced between regularly
scheduled and ad hoc Zoom meetings, as well as via email.
Feedback from students was acquired both formally through
periodic polls during the semester and informally when the
opportunity presented itself. In turn, the course was adjust-
ed in real time and relevant feedback was implemented in a
timely fashion.
We will strive to continuously improve the experience for
all involved – students, clients and mentors – and look forward
to integrating the lessons learned from the past few months
during the fall semester. Student project teams looked to apply
industrial engineering concepts to support the University of
Pittsburgh’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and solve
problems for clients in the healthcare, retail, laser marking,
dining services and bicycle sharing industries. Topics includ-
ed simulation, work sampling, forecasting, supply chain risk
management, facility location, data visualization and process
Mike Sherwin, Ph.D., PE, is an assistant professor of industrial en-
gineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He is an IISE member.
Contact him at mdsherwin@pitt.edu.
Student challenges highlight
Annual Conference discussions
Several presentations in the Engineering Education track at the
virtual IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2020 addressed the
challenges students face in the current climate. All are available
on-demand through Nov. 3, 2021, at iise.org/Annual2020 and
• Community-based Capstone Projects in Industrial
• Applying Agile Methodology to the Industrial Engineering
Capstone Experience
• Online Attendance Intervention to Improve Student
Learning Outcomes
• Implementation of Active Learning in Engineering
• Flipped Classroom Video Engagement for Generation Z
Engineering Students
• Online Kanban boards to introduce students to basic
project management
• Development of a Virtual Reality for Engineering
• Evolution of Active Learning Experience Through
Challenges and Real Problems