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with Alice E. Smith
Alice E. Smith is the Joe W. Forehand/Accenture
Distinguished Professor of industrial and
systems engineering and joint appointment
professor of computer science and software
engineering at Auburn University. Her recent
book, Women in Industrial and Systems
Engineering, published by Springer, includes
contributions from female engineers across
the globe. She was recognized with an Auburn
Author award honoring faculty members’ literary
efforts. Smith previously served on the faculty at
the University of Pittsburgh from 1991-99 and
holds degrees from Rice University, Saint Louis
University and Missouri University of Science
and Technology. Her research focus is analysis,
modeling and optimization of complex systems
with emphasis on computation inspired by
natural systems. Smith is an editor for several
research journals and a principal investigator on
over $9 million of sponsored research. She is
an IISE Fellow, a senior member of the Society
of Women Engineers, a registered professional
engineer and a four-time Fulbright Scholar.
What first inspired you to pursue industrial engineering
as a career?
As a high school student, I wanted to be an art major but my father persuaded me
that art was not going to lead to a good career. So I chose engineering which, to
my surprise, turned out to be very artful. I entered ISE after getting degrees in
civil engineering and business. (I blame this on my former universities, which did
not offer ISE.) But once I discovered ISE, I knew it was a perfect match. I love
math but science not so much. Therefore, I chose to focus more on analytics and
computation in ISE.
You’ve helped conduct research studies in both the public and
private sectors. What did you learn from each experience?
My sponsors have been diverse and reflect my status as a research omnivore, that is,
I am interested in investigating almost anything. I most like to formulate and solve
large-scale problems that have been simplified or overlooked in the past because
previous approaches could not deal with their complexities. These have ranged
from logistics (warehousing, facility design, container ports, last-mile delivery
drones) to manufacturing process control and optimization (ceramics, powder
metals, machining) to reliability (wired and wireless networks, component
assemblies). I am especially happy that my publications have been cited by many
thousands of other papers in a great variety of disciplines. This is proof to me that
my work has been of value to many research and practitioner communities. In fact,
one of my papers was recently cited in a psychology journal by an article addressing
how people read Shakespeare!
What led you to compile a book on women in ISE?
I was invited by the series editor and, at first, I said “no” because I already had
so many work commitments. But then I thought it would be an important
undertaking and I was as well connected with women in ISE research as anyone,
so I said yes.
The book opens with a profile of Lillian Gilbreth. How does
she continue to inspire female engineers?
My mother actually met Lillian Gilbreth as an undergraduate math major at
Purdue so I have only one degree of separation from our founding luminary!
Lillian Gilbreth truly did it all – groundbreaking work in industrial engineering,
being a single mother of a large family and serving throughout her adult life as an
advocate for both ISE and for women. Who could be more inspiring?
How did you find the various authors who contributed to the
book and what has been the reaction to it?
The chapters in the book were by invitation only. I started with a core of women
whom I knew were leading innovative and impactful research groups in a variety
of sub-disciplines of ISE. Some of those women, in turn, recommended others.
It grew to be the longest book of the series by far, which shows the amount of
research that ISE women are producing.
Both men and women have admired the importance and uniqueness of such a
book – both as a record of research excellence and as an inspiration for those girls
and women considering or beginning their ISE careers.
How can the book guide students toward an ISE career?
An important aspect of the book is the biography of each author which, along