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Sustainable change eludes most organizations. Not-
withstanding large investments in time and money,
fewer than 10% of businesses successfully execute
change initiatives.
As evidence of this, 65% of organizations have an
agreed-upon strategy for corporate change manage-
ment, yet only 14% of employees understand the strategy and
fewer than 10% successfully execute it.
What would it take for companies to achieve truly sustain-
able results? The answer lies not just in having the right skills,
tools and processes – as important as these are – but also criti-
cally on having the right attitudes, values and beliefs.
What intentions do employees have when they come into
work in the morning? What purpose or meaning do they de-
rive from their work? What attitudes do they have around the
organization and their co-workers?
Questions of such intentions are among the most impor-
tant any of us in business can ask. Intention is key to achieving
sustainable change management and competitive advantage.
Strategy, tactics, processes and systems are important, too, but
without intention, you have a rocket with no booster and no
way of leaving orbit.
Harnessing the power of intention
Intention concerns the attitudes and beliefs that management
and employees hold about their work, roles and relationships
with others and the values underlying them. Intention may be
conceptually abstract, but it can translate to real results, pro-
vided the right systems and processes are in place.
Too many organizations, unfortunately, get it wrong. Tradi-
tional change management initiatives often fail due to an ab-
sence or weakness of intention. Even when immediate objec-
tives are achieved, there may be larger lost opportunities.
Change management initiatives rooted in intention, how-
ever, can deliver benefits far beyond stated objectives. They
can ramify cultural change throughout the business, positively
Achieve lasting
change through
a values-driven
Guiding employees’ attitudes,
beliefs can lead to sustainable results
By David Poirier
May 2020 | ISE Magazine 43
affect other groups and divisions and improve organizational
behavior and competitiveness overall. This is true change man-
In this article, we look closely at intention, what it is, the
values and beliefs underlying it and why it’s critical to long-
term sustainable success in any change management initiative.
Further, well look at the steps companies can take to establish,
uphold, nourish and maintain cultures of the right intention to
create lasting change.
Traditional approaches
For decades, companies have been run largely as mechanisms:
their systems, processes, functions, departments and people
seen as so many cogs and drive belts in a giant machine. Busi-
nesses have been successfully built, restructured, reinvented,
combined and disassembled based on this paradigm. And for
many, this approach continues to be the default.
But in an age when there is greater worker mobility than
ever and a skilled and engaged workforce has never been more
valuable, that model is insufficient.
Traditional change management is outmoded for the same
reasons. Whether in implementing new processes or technol-
ogy upgrades, too many businesses rely on models that focus
narrowly on systems, roles, responsibilities and hierarchies.
They may strive to gain buy-in and raise awareness of the need
for change but they do so without understanding how to tap
into what motivates employees. In such cases, organizations
have failed to ask why change needs to happen and what suc-
cess looks like beyond immediate objectives. Over the medium
and long term, most traditional change management efforts are
The competency model that follows distills organizational
success and failure to three key ingredients: competency, inten-
tion and mechanism, seen in Figure 1. We’ll be returning to
this model a few times:
Competency. This is the foundation of all change and
company success in general. You need people with the right
skills to effect desired changes. A nurse practitioner’s desire
to be a doctor is not enough; specialized training is needed.
Intention. Employee attitudes and how they identify with
the organization in terms of service, goals and success – col-
lectively, an organizational will to succeed
Mechanism. The tools, technology, processes, methodolo-
gies and systems that enable change and the achievement of
peak performance levels
In order to thrive, companies must be highly functioning in
not one or two but all three areas. Intention without mecha-
nism means organizations are highly motivated but have no-
where to go. Mechanism without intention, on the other hand,
provides a clear process for reaching a target state but no sense
of urgency, excitement or ownership. Combine mechanism
and intention with the right competencies, however, and you
can get extraordinary results.
The competency model
Organizational success and failure as summarized in three
key ingredients.
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Achieve lasting change through a values-driven workforce
Core values
Intention is anchored in values and beliefs, which
in turn impact attitudes and behaviors. Individu-
als who exhibit four core values in their behavior
best exemplify and attract trust. These values,
seen in Figure 2, are as follows:
Serving. Finding fullment by helping others.
Ego concerns are set aside. Employees counsel
and coach each other.
Excellence. The drive to perform a task to a
high standard. Results, though influenced by
external factors, depend on individual effort.
People who score highly in this area tend to
see mistakes as learning opportunities rather
than reflections of self-worth.
Integrity. Keeping our commitments to oth-
ers and oneself. Valuing and treating others
well. Freely expressing views and feelings
while respecting the opinions of others.
Learning. An individuals desire to grow and
self-actualize. The quest for personal fulll-
ment. A balance of realism and creativity.
Think of the core values (center column) in Figure 2 as be-
ing on a scale from 0 to 10. The behaviors associated with each
value on the left represent a 0 (e.g., arguing) and on the right a
10 (e.g., listening).
As Stephen R. Covey details in his book The Speed of Trust,
businesses with employees who exhibit 10 out of 10 behaviors
are more likely to succeed. Employees are more motivated, en-
joy greater work satisfaction and find meaning in relationships
and teamwork. Further, they find fulllment in getting results,
whether in terms of quality, customer service, profitability or
sales growth. Their positive behaviors lead to positive results.
Putting the concepts to work
This diagram can be facilitated working sessions with compa-
nies. Its extremely useful in challenging each individuals as-
sumptions about what they and, by implication, the business
are capable of achieving.
Almost everybody agrees organizations that exhibit behav-
iors on the right-hand side of Figure 2 produce better results
over the medium and long term. People are happier, feel more
engaged and are willing to contribute. They also understand –
and this is key – how the behavior on the far right is exhibited.
Almost everyone knows someone who is a 10 out of 10 in one
or more of the values in the graphic above who can serve as a
model for them to follow.
That said, there are impediments in people’s lives that pre-
vent them from being a 10 out of 10 every day. Organizations,
as a result, are hampered in achieving sustainable competitive
advantage. Removing these impediments is key to long-term
sustainable success.
Where do you and your organization fall on the scale and
what are the things preventing you from attaining a 10 out of
10 in each of these values?
Going through this process helps executives and employ-
ees gain clarity on the obstacles to reaching their own path to
full potential and begin to clear them away. Do that on a large
enough scale and – again, providing the mechanisms and com-
petencies are in place – the entire organization shifts.
This is not a one-off exercise. The process is reinforced
through practice. Organizations must manage intention con-
sciously from the top down and make it clear what must be ac-
complished. Otherwise, old habits will prevail and people will
snap back like elastic bands to what is familiar. Executives must
be prepared for the challenges they will face in the transition
by ensuring the vision of the long-term solution stays front and
center for everyone.
It could take a few years to build an organizational culture
like this, but once these values and behaviors are established, it’s
extremely hard for the competition to seize and replicate. You
cant steal or copy a culture like this, but you sure can feel the
difference, and your customers will, too.
Too many leaders forget that their organizations comprise
people who yearn for purpose. They focus instead on change
strategies centered on mechanism. Change without vision is
Core values
The positive and negative behaviors that are associated with each key trait.
May 2020 | ISE Magazine 45
a Band-Aid fix. The priority must be on leading employees
toward the behaviors associated with the four core values de-
scribed earlier, hiring new workers who best exemplify those
behaviors or both.
Sustainable change, change with the greatest potential to
benefit the organization broadly, requires competency, inten-
tion and mechanism in combination. Intention must be about
much more than getting buy-in and support or building con-
sensus. It must be about shifting the organizational culture
toward both personal and organizational purpose and values.
This is what makes the fundamental difference.
David Poirier is president of IISE and CEO of the Poirier Group
in Toronto, Canada. He is a licensed professional logistician and pro-
fessional engineer with more than 30 years of experience in industrial
engineering. An IISE Fellow, Poirier was awarded the IISE Medallion
Award for Exceptional Achievement, the IISE Outstanding Manage-
ment Award and the University of Toronto Mid-Career Achievement
Award. He served as chairman of CISE from 1995-97 and on the
board of trustees as vice president international. He was chosen to receive
the Fellowship of Engineering Institute of Canada for 2020.
A story of transformation
The following case study concerns a large Canadian retailer. The
president of this large retailer had observed that functional silos in the
organization lacked cohesion. The executive team, while possessing
the required tools and competencies in their roles, needed to be better
aligned around a common purpose and vision. He set out to make that
Executives were sent on a weeklong training session led by some
experts in personal development. During the workshop, executives
evaluated themselves and the organization relative to four assumed
core values of high performance: achievement, self-actualizing,
humanistic-helpful and affiliation. Executives left the experience
feeling changed and energized and were inspired to train the rest of the
organization on aligning to these values as well. A five-year strategy to
train the entire organization was then created.
The executive team met afterward. Each was handed a piece of paper
at the top of which read, “Each of us is fully committed to achieving
Vision 1998.” Underneath were 10 lines for executives to sign.
After each executive had signed the document, there was no
applause, no cheering – total silence. Everyone was left mute by the
weight of responsibility, accountability and tasks that lay before them.
The power of intention had carried the team to a pivotal moment, and
you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.
That strategic plan was executed with dedication and commitment.
The retailer exceeded ambitious sales, profit and share price goals.
Further, the company trained thousands of employees on intention.
Employees were surveyed both before the training and again two
years into the five-year plan. Before the process had begun, employees
ranked the business at 7. Afterward, the same, 7. Initially, everyone was
dumbfounded. It appeared there had been no movement at all. But then
someone realized that a question had been omitted. Employees were
then asked, with the benefit of two years’ hindsight, where they thought
the company had stood two years earlier. They said 2. Their perception
of excellence had shifted. The goal posts had moved.
2 case study examples
Building a strong connection
An aircraft training and manufacturing company had grown
rapidly but not invested sufficiently in business infrastructure.
A consulting firm was engaged to help put in place a new IT
infrastructure and strategy, travel and expense system and
various flight operations projects. It was asked to architect
an overall communications and change management
strategy. It was clear from the outset that sustainable project
success would depend critically on shifting intention in the
organization, starting in the C-suite with management values
of trust and accountability. They would have to change the way
they spoke to and led the organization.
The project work involved:
Holding a strategic planning and culture workshop to help
create and embed the company’s mission, vision, values
and ground rules
Adopting and integrating a practice of active feedback and
accountability — both top-down and bottom-up
Preparing training material for and delivering workshops
on the objectives and key results (OKR) methodology.
These were used to change how objectives were set, results
managed and accountabilities implemented
Creating change management roadmaps (mechanism)
Identifying change sponsors for all key organizational
One year later the company was operating at record capacity
and had gained millions of dollars in value. These exercises
enabled and supported the organization in implementing the
broader strategic objectives of the project. Management and
employees at all levels not only felt but demonstrated a greater
commitment to teamwork, accountability and the achievement
of results.