July 2019 | ISE Magazine 39
energy-intensive practice that increases greenhouse gas pro-
Experts estimate that cement production accounts for more
than 5% of carbon dioxide emissions from human sources.
Reducing cement production decreases greenhouse gas emis-
sions on almost a ton-for-ton basis. By gradually doubling or
tripling the design life of concrete with fly ash, natural re-
sources are preserved and the environmental footprint is dra-
matically reduced.
Building with concrete that contains fly ash can contrib-
ute to earning points in the U.S. Green Building Council’s
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
program, which recognizes sustainable use of materials, land,
water and energy, as well as ergonomics and innovative design
(see related article on page 38). Fly ash, in combination with
other qualifying building materials, can contribute to points
earned for recycled content, using regional materials and/or
innovative design. The key to maximizing points is for the
project team (owner, architect, engineer, contractor and con-
crete supplier) to work together early in the construction pro-
Traditional masonry takes significant volumes of energy to
produce, and concrete and brick making are some of the big-
gest sources of greenhouse gasses. Clay bricks are produced
in a kiln and fired at 2,000 Fahrenheit for three to five days.
The kilns are generally left running continuously even when
no bricks are being produced due to the difficulty in getting
the temperatures up to optimum levels. According to the Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology, the carbon foot-
print for a cubic yard of fired clay brick is 991 pounds and 572
pounds for concrete brick.
The leachability of toxins from fly ash is a critical issue in
determining whether it can be put to beneficial use. It is well
established that fly ash on its own is highly toxic. It is also well
established that those toxic chemicals can be safely contained
in a crystalline matrix when the fly ash is subjected to thermal
or chemical treatments. When used to replace Portland ce-
ment, fly ash reacts with lime to produce a glassy matrix that
inhibits leaching. Firing of fly ash bricks will also produce the
requisite glassy matrix, rendering them inert to leaching.
Vitrification is a thermochemical process that occurs at high
temperatures around 1,500 Celsius that melt the ash and turn
it into slag, a glasslike substance similar in appearance to ob-
sidian. Vitrified slag has been subjected extensively to TCLP
analysis (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) and found
to be very stable and reliable at containing all toxins in the
glass crystalline matrix. Vitrified slag has been approved for
use as a construction aggregate and filling material.
The downside of this process is the amount of energy re-
quired to melt the ash. High temperature gasifiers, such as
plasma gasifiers, will produce slag instead of ash and is more
efficient than treating the ash in a separate process.
Growing waste demands innovative solutions
Environmentally sound and economically viable methods to
treat biodegradable waste are urgently needed in the world
today. A transition from conventional energy systems to one
based on renewable resources is necessary to serve the ever-
increasing demand for energy, while managing environmental
concerns and enhancing the overall quality of life.
Waste-to-energy plants offer two significant benefits: envi-
ronmentally safe waste management and disposal as well as the
generation of clean electric power. WtE systems have already
reduced environmental impacts of municipal solid waste man-
agement, including emissions of greenhouse gases, and will
play a significant role in sustainable waste management in the
During the past year new WtE systems have opened or have
been commissioned in a number of countries including Can-
ada, Australia, Denmark, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Some of
these systems predominantly use combustion while others use
biochemical conversion.
As an example, Bore Hill Farm Biodigester is a biothermal
plant in Warminster, Wiltshire, England, that processes food
waste and creates renewable electricity to power 2,500 houses,
and biofertilizer as well. It diverts waste that would have been
sent to landfills. Waste Management World magazine reported it
is the first English anaerobic digestion facility to be certified
for good operational, environmental, and health and safety
Both business managers and civic leaders need to engage
with WtE specialists and pursue solutions that improve the sus-
tainability of the planet with economically feasible solutions.
Gurram Gopal is an industry professor in industrial technology and
management at Illinois Institute of Technology with an interest in
industrial engineering applications. He has published more than 50
papers and articles and has presented extensively at academic confer-
ences. He received a 2011-2012 Fulbright Scholar Award to teach
and conduct research at Galway Mayo Institute of Technology in
Ireland and has been a Fulbright specialist candidate since 2013.
Gopal developed marketing strategies for some of the world’s largest
pharmaceutical companies as a strategy consultant and manager for
ZS Associates and worked in strategic marketing, supply chain man-
agement and strategic quality at Tellabs Inc. Along with certificates
in ISO, CMM and applied statistics and forecasting, Gopal holds a
bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, and an master’s degree and a Ph.D. in indus-
trial engineering from Northwestern University.
Shruthi Suresh is a founder of Zrila Designs, an arts and crafts firm
in India. She obtained a master’s degree in industrial technology and
operations from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, specializing
in supply chain management and industrial sustainability.