Looking for the Lean Six Sigma & Data Science Conference 2023?

You’ve come to the right place.

Thank you for your interest in IISE’s longtime Lean Six Sigma & Data Science (LSSDS) Conference hosted in recent years by the Operational Excellence Division. We’re changing up the conference construct and you can get in on the ground floor of this reimagined event.

While LSSDS will no longer take place as a stand-alone event beginning this fall, it will integrate with IISE’s Annual Conference & Expo in 2024. The opportunities that the combination of these two events bring will give our Lean and Data Science attendees a more robust conference experience with increased exposure on a larger stage. The important and impactful Lean and Data Science topics and speakers will reach a wider international audience with increased networking and knowledge sharing.

We appreciate all our participants, partners and volunteers over the years for making IISE’s Lean Six Sigma & Data Science Conference an important platform for advancing the profession. We look forward to sharing in the refresh of this event within the Annual Conference moving forward.

Visit iise.org/Annual to attend this year’s Annual Conference & Expo in New Orleans May 20-23. Please check the Annual site later this summer for abstract submission dates and guidelines to present at IISE Annual 2024 in Montreal May 18-21 with your Lean and Data Science innovations, research and findings.


Please contact IISE Conference Manager Carol S. Johnson at cjohnson@iise.org. Thank you!