Past Presidents

This list catalogs the history of leadership for the Society for Health Systems as well as a record of recipients for the SHS President's Award.

The SHS President’s Service Award recognizes one person each year who has made a significant contribution to the society. The award was first presented in 2008.

Year Past Presidents President's Award Recipient
2023-2024 Elizabeth Gentry Dean Athanassiades
2022-2023 Tarun Mohan Lal Todd Schneider
2021-2022 Lauren Todd Ashley Benedict
2020-2021 Mary Ellen Skeens Elizabeth Gentry
2019-2020 Isaac Mitchell Mark Graban
2018-2019 Dean Athanassiades Jim Rawson
2017-2018 Ashley Benedict Amanda Mewborn
2016-2017 Joyce Siegele Rudy Santacroce
2015-2016 Amanda Mewborn Tarun Mohan Lal
2014-2015 Ron McDade Jean Ann Larson
2013-2014 Jean Ann Larson John Templin
2012-2013 Todd Schneider John Hansmann
2011-2012 Lucy Young Bart Sellers
2010-2011 Marci Jackson Jim Benneyan
2009-2010 David Cowan Justin Myrick
2008-2009 Pierce Story Joyce Siegele
2007-2008 Richard Brandon
2006-2007 James Benneyan
2005-2006 Carol Green
2004-2005 Steve Escamilla
2003-2004 S.K. (Munna) Kachhal
2002-2003 Charles Platt
2001-2002 Bob Luttman
2000-2001 Mike Parish
1999-2000 John Hansmann
1998-1999 Larry Dux
1997-1998 Michael Branson
1996-1997 Doreen Hagerty
1995-1996 George Whetsell
1994-1995 Jerry (Mickey) Trimm
1993-1994 Mickey Patrick
1992-1993 Michael Leonard
1991-1992 Harvey Wolfe
1990-1991 Lou Freund
1989-1990 Vin Sahney
1988-1989 Jay Goldman