Human Resource Management
Topic Leader: Dr. Vettrivel Gnaneswaran
Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Recommended Books
- Prokopenko, J. (1987). Productivity management: A practical handbook. International Labour Organisation.
- Cascio, W. F. (2007). Managing human resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits. 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
- Hodgetts, R. M., Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2003). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior. McGraw-Hill, Irwin.
Recommended Articles
- Huselid, M. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of management journal, 38(3), 635-672.
- Youndt, M. A., Snell, S. A., Dean Jr, J. W., & Lepak, D. P. (1996). Human resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance. Academy of management Journal, 836-866.
- Huselid, M. A., Jackson, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (1997). Technical And Strategic Human Resources Management Effectiveness As Determinants Of Firm Performance. Academy of Management journal, 40(1), 171-188.
- Ramlall, S. (2004). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations. Journal of American Academy of Business, 5(1/2), 52-63.
- Meyer, J. P., Becker, T. E., & Vandenberghe, C. (2004). Employee commitment and motivation: a conceptual analysis and integrative model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(6), 991.
- Burton, James P., Thomas W. Lee and Brooks C. Holton. The Influence of Motivation To Attend, Ability To Attend, And Organizational Commitment On Different Types Of Absence Behaviors. Journal of Managerial Issues. 24:2: 2002: 181-197.
- Lin, H. F. (2007). Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on employee knowledge sharing intentions. Journal of information science, 33(2), 135-149.
- Brooke, P. P., & Price, J. L. (2011). The determinants of employee absenteeism: An empirical test of a causal model. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 62(1), 1-19.
- Fleishman, E. A., & Harris, E. F. (2006). Patterns of leadership behavior related to employee grievances and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 15(1), 43-56.
- Somers, M. J. (2011). Modelling employee withdrawal behaviour over time: A study of turnover using survival analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 69(4), 315-326.
- Tracey, J. B., & Hinkin, T. R. (2008). Contextual factors and cost profiles associated with employee turnover. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1), 12-27.
- Maertz Jr, C. P., Griffeth, R. W., Campbell, N. S., & Allen, D. G. (2007). The effects of perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support on employee turnover. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(8), 1059-1075.
- Dysvik, A., & Kuvaas, B. (2010). Exploring the relative and combined influence of mastery-approach goals and work intrinsic motivation on employee turnover intention. Personnel Review, 39(5), 622-638.
- Carraher, S. M., & Buckley, M. R. (2008). Attitudes towards benefits and behavioral intentions and their relationship to Absenteeism, Performance, and Turnover among nurses. Academy of Health Care Management Journal. Cullowhee, 4(2).
- Bigliardi, B., Petroni, A., & Dormio, A. I. (2005). Organizational socialization, career aspirations and turnover intentions among design engineers. Leadership & organization development journal, 26(6), 424-441.
Recommended Conference Papers
- Jones, E.C., and Gnaneswaran, V., “Model for Managers to Identify the Mentally-Departed Knowledge Worker.” Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference and Expo, May 19-23,2012, Orlando, Fla.
- Jones, E.C., Anantakrishnan, G. and Gnanenswaran, V, “Computer Simulated Game tool to overcome Cognitive Turnover Hawthorne Effect,” IERC 2011 Conference, May 21st – 25th, 2011, Reno, Nev.
- Jones, E.C. and Hain, J., “How Behavioral Skills Make Project Managers Successful from the Senior Manager’s Perspective,” Proceedings of the ASEM Conference, October 20-23, 2004, Arlington, Va.
- Jones, E.C., and Adams, S., “A mathematical model for white-collar cognitive turnover,” Proceedings of the ASEE Conference, June 20-23, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Jones, E.C., and Chung, C.A., “A Predictive SPC Model for Determining Cognitive Voluntary Turnover Before Physical Departure,” Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2003