Chapter FAQs

How can I get my chapter membership roster?

Contact the IISE membership administrator for access codes to access your chapter roster. Only president and chapter FTP officers may receive access to the chapter roster.

I’m a new president or faculty advisor, what do I need to do to receive the same information my predecessor used to get?

Once there has been a change in office, update the chapter record by submitting a current list of officers using the university officer slate form or the professional chapter officer slate form. 

What's the schedule for distributing chapter dues rebate checks?

Dues checks are sent out once a year for university chapters, as follows:

  • Checks are issued for the period of September 1 - August 31.
  • Checks will be issued and mailed by September 30.

What do we need to do to receive our checks?

All green and gold chapters are eligible to receive chapter checks and will receive them automatically at the regular distribution times. Red chapters are not eligible to receive dues checks. Eligibility requirements: University Chapters | Professional Chapters

If our chapter is red, what happens to the funds?

The chapter dues rebate funds are held in account for one pay period. If the chapter regains Green or Yellow status, the held funds are released with the first regular check distribution after the chapter achieves eligibility. All funds held for more than one period are forfeited by the chapter.

How do we know what our eligibility status (red/yellow/green) is?

Visit the chapter management center to view the chapter health status report. The report is updated quarterly.

Regional Vice Presidents

Region vice presidents are part of the North American Operations Board (NAOB) and International Operations Board . Region vice presidents serve three-year terms and represent the needs of the members in their region by supporting chapters and regional communities. Region vice presidents report directly to the senior vice president of North American Operations and serve a three-year term on the North American Operations Board (U.S.,Canada, Mexico) or International Operations Board  (International Chapters), making decisions and establishing policies that govern chapters.

Who is the RVP for our chapter/region?

Click here to access the contact list for all RVPs.