Professional Chapters

An IISE professional chapter is a group of IISE professional members in a specific geographical area. Chapters are formed by individuals who see the need for greater professional activity in their area.

Benefits of participating in your chapter: 

Networking with other industrial engineering professionals

Each chapter provides a learning and networking environment. The chapter creates opportunities for establishing contacts with professionals from companies throughout their local area. Members can network with top industrial engineers, authors, educators, researchers, consultants, specialists and private industrial and commercial practitioners. 

Continuing Education

Most chapters hold monthly meetings which may include speakers, tours, hands-on instruction or social events. Many chapters also sponsor seminars or conferences. These programs can increase your knowledge and keep you informed of new developments in the industrial engineering profession.

Developing Leadership Skills

Serving as a chapter officer or participating on a committee is an excellent way to develop and strengthen your leadership and organizational skills. It's like on-the-job training without the risk! You can improve your skills in delegating, meeting facilitation and motivation, just to name a few.

Serving Your Profession

Participating in a chapter is a way to give something back to the profession. By working together as a chapter, industrial engineers can gain increased recognition and knowledge of the profession, provide support and assistance to industrial engineering students, promote the profession to secondary school students, serve as mentors to university students, and promote the profession in your community.