Distinguished Achievement Award

Are granted by the Board of Trustees as it deems appropriate. For example, the board might wish to honor and recognize a significant contribution that heightens public awareness and improves public understanding of the worth of industrial engineering to contemporary society.


IISE members, non-members, and organizations. Members of the IISE Board of Trustees and Honors Steering Committee are ineligible.


The number of awards is determined by the Board of Trustees, with no established frequency. The criteria are unspecified and at the discretion of the board.

Nomination preparation:

  • Complete and return the nomination form.
  • Three letters of recommendation should be limited to a maximum of two pages each.
  • The nomination form, the nominator's letter and CV package should be limited to 12 pages.
  • The entire nomination packet should be no more than 18 pages total.


The presidents are responsible for the judging process.