The Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Industrial Engineering Award

Sponsored by The Wm. Michael Barnes '64 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University

The highest and most esteemed honor bestowed by IISE is the Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Industrial Engineering Award. It recognizes those who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the welfare of mankind in the field of industrial engineering. The contributions are of the highest caliber and nationally or internationally recognized.


IISE members and non-members are eligible. Members of the IISE Board of Trustees and Honors Steering Committee are ineligible.


  • No more than one award is given per year.
  • Candidates must have demonstrated contributions to the welfare of mankind in two of the following four areas: management, technical achievement, innovation or patents, and research.
  • Candidates also must have represented industrial engineering to the public and the profession in three of the following five areas: publications, public relations interdisciplinary activity, humanitarian service, and service to IISE.

Nomination process:

  • Complete and return the nomination form.
  • Three letters of recommendation should be limited to a maximum of two pages each.
  • The nomination form, the nominator's letter and CV package should be limited to 12 pages.
  • The entire nomination packet should be no more than 18 pages total.


This award is judged by the Honors Steering Committee.