Awards Descriptions

Educator Awards

Albert G. Holzman Distinguished Educator Award
Outstanding educators who have contributed to industrial engineering.

Innovations in Education Competition
Outstanding innovation in the design or presentation of an accredited IE, ISE, IEOR, or similar engineering curriculum.

Dr. Hamed K. Eldin Outstanding Early Career IE in Academia Award
Individuals in academia who have shown outstanding characteristics.

Outstanding Global Faculty Advisor Award
Student chapter advisor who, through his or her work, has exemplified above all others IISE's commitment to education, personal, professional, and technical development of students in IISE related fields of interest.

Leadership Awards

Boeing Excellence Award for Collaboration in Productivity, Workplace Safety and Ergonomics
Strategy and policy deployment that is the context of work in the area of productivity, safety and ergonomics.

Captains of Industry Award
Business or government leaders who successfully used industrial engineering in the workplace.

Fellow Award
Leaders who have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to industrial engineering.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Industrial Engineering Award
Individuals who distinguished themselves through contributions to mankind.

George L. Smith International Award for Excellence in Promotion of Industrial Engineering
Individual who has made significant and long-standing contribution to the profession and exemplifies role model behavior as "goodwill ambassador."

IISE Award for International Impact in Industrial & Systems Engineering
Recognizes an individual member who has made significant contributions to the discipline of Industrial & Systems Engineering as a global leader. 

Outstanding Middle Career IE Leadership Award for Business/Industry
Individuals working in industry who have excelled in their role as a practicing manager/leader within their organization.

SEMS Outstanding Management Achievement in Industrial and Systems Engineering Award
Individuals contributing to the profession through innovative use of its methods.

Outstanding Early Career Industrial Engineer in Business/Industry Award
Honoring leadership, professionalism and potential.

Research Awards

David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award
Recognizes significant contributions to the profession through outstanding research.

Graduate Research Award
Student members who have shown excellence in master’s-level research.

Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award
Outstanding graduate research in industrial engineering.

IISE Transactions Award
Recognizes the best paper published in each of the focused issues of IISE Transactions and the best applications paper published in any of the IISE Transactions.

Scholarships and Fellowships
Awards academic excellence and campus leadership by graduate and undergraduate students.

Service to Profession

Award for Technical Innovation in Industrial Engineering
Recognizes an innovative technical contribution to the industrial engineering profession.

Fred C. Crane Distinguished Service Award
Recognizes individual’s contributions to IISE.

IISE Innovation Cup Competition
The IISE Cup will recognize organizations for innovative and effective implementation of industrial and systems engineering principles and practices that deliver exemplary business performance improvement.

IISE Transactions Service Award
Recognizes and rewards the quality work and dedication of department editors and associate editors at IISE Transactions.

Medallion Award
Impacting the profession through leadership or technical achievement.

Outstanding IISE Publication Award
Outstanding publication in any IISE-sponsored or co-sponsored medium.

Innovative Practices in Service Systems Award
The award recognizes organizations that develop innovative approaches to improve service systems.

Specialty Awards

Annual Conference Implemented Solutions Award 
(formerly called the I5 Award)
For an individual who implemented ways to improve their organizations with ideas learned from the previous year's conference.

Award for Excellence in Productivity Improvement
Organizations with significant achievements in productivity or quality.

Distinguished Achievement Award
Awards granted by the IISE Board of Trustees to recognize noteworthy achievement.

Honorary Member Award
An individual of acknowledged eminence who is not an IISE member.

IISE/Joint Publishers Book-of-the-Year Award
For an outstanding book that promotes industrial engineering education or profession.

UPS Minority Advancement
Advancing women, minorities or individuals with disabilities in the profession.

Student Awards & Competitions

James W. Barany Student Award for Excellence
Students distinguished through scholarly excellence and campus leadership.

Outstanding ISE Capstone Senior Design Project
Recognizes students that have applied their ISE knowledge and skills to have a significant impact on an organization.

Student Simulation Competition
Undergraduate students compete in a "real world" case study using Rockwell's Arena software.

SHS Student Healthcare Simulation Competition
Students solve a "real world" healthcare case study using FlexSim's simulation software.

Undergraduate Student Technical Paper Competition
Honors outstanding technical papers of undergraduate students.

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