International Alliance Partners


The Brazilian Occupational Physical Therapy Association is a nonprofit organization affiliated with COFFITO (Brazilian Federal Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy) by RESOLUTION no. 360, of December 18th, 2008, representing the professional specialty in Occupational Physical Therapy.

During the Brazilian Occupational Physical Therapy Conference (FISIOTRAB) in 2006 with the support from COFFITO two organizations (SOBRAFIT and ANAFIT) merged to create ABRAFIT – Brazilian Occupational Physical Therapy Association. This term lasted until 2010.

Brazilian Association of Consulting Companies in Health and Safety at Work - ABRESST

Brazilian Association of Consulting Companies in Health and Safety at Work - ABRESST is a civil, professional and nonprofitable organization, founded on December 11, 1998, with the objective of gathering and representing companies that provide services in the area of Health and Safety at work.

ABRESST incorporates consulting companies in the areas of Health and Safety at work and shows to society the effort that our associates have done to improve the quality of life of Brazilian workers.

Gathering all the businesses area in health and safety at work and creating standards and methods of qualification of the services category, ABRESST legally defends the interests of its members, representing them with great commitment and dedication, in order to strength our business activities.

Covering the whole national territory, ABRESST won the confidence of companies in the sector through their work, promoting lectures and conferences, editing informational and technical publications, creating partnerships and seeking solutions to the problems that affect the category.


The Asociación Venezolana de Ergonomistas (ASOERGVE) was founded in 2013 and a federated member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) since 2015. As a society, ASOERGVE aims to promote awareness of ergonomics, academic studies and professional practice in Venezuela and Venezuelans around the world. We have a solid collaboration with other regional societies and are an active member of Union Latino Americana de Ergonomía (ULAERGO).


The Asociación Uruguaya de Ergonomia (AUDERGO)/Uruguayan Ergonomics Association was created in Montevideo on June 18th, 2013 through the initiative of professionals from different fields in order to promote Ergonomics values.

Fundamental values:

  • Promote the study, research, dissemination, and effective implementation of ergonomics in our country.
  • Develop and organize academic, technological and scientific events (courses, conferences, seminars, etc.) about ergonomics and related fields.
  • Encourage methodological studies applied to the field of ergonomics and provide a reference to international ones.
  • Maintain a direct interaction with other ergonomics associations or societies and become a member of the Union of Latin American Ergonomics Society (ULAERGO) and maintain a direct relationship with the International Ergonomics Association.

British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF)

Established in 1994, the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is the UK’s leading trade body for the safety industry.

The Federation represents manufacturers and distributors of safety, health and environmental products; training companies; safety and environmental consultancies; together with accreditation and inspection houses, publishers and risk management consultancies.It is a Health and Safety Executive-recognised competent authority and the lead trade body for the PPE Regulations, as designated by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

As a membership organisation, the Federation is clearly focused to bring benefits to its members, something which its core values and mission statement reflect. Its core values – influential, knowledgeable, beneficial and supportive – drive the BSIF's everyday aims, to support and represent suppliers of safety products and services across all aspects of safety legislation, standards making and major occupational safety issues.

Croatian Ergonomics Society

The Croatian Ergonomics Society was established on May 20, 1974. Over this period the Society mission was to disseminate and exchange ergonomics advances on theoretical, generic and applied areas of ergonomics. The Croatian Ergonomics Society is interconnected with societies, partners and organizations in the field of ergonomics worldwide to sustain scientific and professional level, as well as to promote the implementation of the ergonomics contributions overall.


Czech Ergonomics Association is a voluntary, independent Czech based organization whose main goal is to raise awareness of all aspects of ergonomics and their practical implications. Our members include professionals from all fields of ergonomics and human factors who are continually trying to improve people’s perception of ergonomics in everyday life. The Czech Republic has a long-term interest in the development of ergonomics, beginning in the 1970s when it started to become a more mainstream organization.


The Ergo Center of Brazil focuses on health promotion and ergonomic work analysis. The company's vision is to be the regional excellence reference in the development of ergonomic work environments by using technology, quality, and the combination of human and physical factors.

Our mission is to provide work environments that have a positive influence on employees' motivation, satisfaction and performance through creative working methods and health and safety guidelines thus ensuring the healthy growth of the organizations.

We help companies to comply with the Brazilian Regulations on Ergonomics (NR-17) and other key factors like prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and work injuries; improvement of safety, health, quality, and productivity; and management of absenteeism.


The Ergonomics Society of Thailand (EST) was established in 2001 and registered as a nonprofit organization. The society was started by nine people interested in ergonomics to promote ergonomics knowledge to others around the country. The main objective of the society is to increase quality of life and human well-being. We now succeed more than 50 training courses in different companies. We currently have the national ergonomics network consisting of 15 universities, a public organization and a government organization working together.


In the market for more than two decades, present in all regions of Brazil and recently in Portugal, Faculdade Inspirar is a reference in postgraduate and extension courses, mainly in Health studies. It is considered the best postgraduate franchise by the Brazilian Franchising Association and has already graduated more than 100 thousand students!


Fanshawe College - One of Ontario's largest colleges - with four campuses, Fanshawe serves close to half a million people with a promise to educate, engage, empower and excite. For over 50 years, Fanshawe has been helping people to unlock their potential and achieve success. The College attracts students from 50 countries every year and opens up a world of possibilities through more than 200 degree, diploma and certificate programs, along with apprenticeship training.

The Advanced Ergonomic Studies graduate program, the first of its kind in Canada, will provide you with a fundamental understanding about the science of ergonomics.

In labs, classes and field placements, you will learn to use analytical tools to provide assessments of an employee's job related tasks in the workplace. Current technologies and techniques will be examined in addition to applying theoretical principles to worker and workspace interactions. You will also study the legislative and regulatory environment, the role of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the financial impacts of injury.

Upon completion of the program, graduates may apply to the Canadian College for the Certification of Professional Ergonomists (CCCPE) for the designation of Associate Ergonomist. Further information regarding Fanshawe College and the Advance Ergonomic Studies can be found here .


FEES is the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies. Its mission is to enhance the recognition of ergonomics contributing to economic development, to quality of life, to health and safety at work, and to social progress in European Countries.

FEES has initiated various activities, such as:

  • Establishing a European Task Force (EUTF), to promote ergonomics/human factors at the EU-organization and its related bodies.
  • The dissemination of information about various facilities by the European Union for the FEES-members.
  • The preparation of this website, which is managed by a special working group, to facilitate cooperation and information-exchange between members and to communicate externally.
  • The organization of FEES-sessions on actual European topics at the annual national conferences in the various countries.
  • Promoting European wide activities related with education, certification and accreditation in cooperation with the Centre for Registration of European Ergonomists (CREE).
  • The preparation and publication of promotional material, via the Communication and Promotion Committee.


The Hong Kong Ergonomics Society, a Federated Society of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), is a professional society founded in 2001. The mission of the Society is to promote and advance the science and practice of human factors and ergonomics locally and globally, by stimulating the application, research, and education in the discipline for the benefit of the public.


Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia (HFEM) is an interdisciplinary non-profit organization comprising of professionals from the human factors, ergonomics and human-computer interaction (HCI) fields. It was founded on 5 June 2010 where it promotes the sharing and application of knowledge concerning the characteristics of humans that are applicable to the design of products, systems and services. The Society encourages the education and training of members entering the human factors and HCI profession. As in 10th year of registered society comprises of more than 300 registered members, this society is currently being led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ng Yee Guan.


The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of the Philippines is an organization dedicated to promoting the professional practice of human factors and ergonomics in the Philippines. The organization’s mission is to encourage education and training in the field of ergonomics and to promote cooperation among organizations with interest in ergonomics and human factors.


The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Singapore was set up in 1988 by a group of Ergonomics and Human Factors professionals in Singapore. As a society, our aim is to promote the awareness of human factors and ergonomics in various aspects of product and service design. Our activities include hosting interactive seminars and networking sessions for members, hosting seminars for companies to present their products and design philosophies, providing platforms for companies and ergonomics specialists to collaborate.

The Society furthers serious consideration of knowledge about the assignment of appropriate functions for humans and machines, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system. And it advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance.


The IEDUV - Master's Degree in Management Courses and an evolution of Crefit which was created in 2001 in order to provide services within the area of physiotherapy, particularly of Physiotherapy Labor. Realizing a need for vertical growth within the education in science and technology, the added IEDUV professionals from other fields of knowledge to prospect an innovation of the teaching-learning process, providing a concrete professional growth coupled with a concern with the development of building of our country. With technological innovation to classroom teaching and distance, combined with a faculty comprised of teachers, doctors and committed to learning and solving the problems and anxieties of the students for the pursuit of differential labor market experts.

MISSION: Taking the differentiated and updated technical and scientific knowledge to society, always encouraging ethical principles, technological processes and scientific developments of our country and the world. With these precepts, we seek to create, enhance and specialize professionals in all areas of knowledge with critical and differentiated vision to conquer the job market, to corroborate with the vertical growth of the whole society and our country.

VISION:To be a reference in teaching and service within ethical principles and advanced technology of our country and the world.


imk automotive is a company that was founded in 2002 and that is one of the leading Engineering Consulting firms in Germany. We provide First-class Engineering Consulting Services for manufacturing and supply industries with specific focus on the automotive sector. Among our valued customers are some of the largest premium automotive OEMs, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Volkswagen. imk's main expertise is in the field of Digital Production Planning, Industrial Engineering, Production Process Optimization, and Ergonomic Workplace Design. We use innovative methods such as 3D-simulation of human work activities and our own software product, the "human work planning application software (ema).

Indian Society of Ergonomics

The Indian Society of Ergonomics was established in 1983 and is the only professional body representing ergonomics/human factors professionals in India. It is affiliated to the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and nominates members to its committees. So far, 13 international conferences have been organized by the Indian Society of Ergonomics with full proceedings published. The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter. Members of the Indian Society of Ergonomics belong to a wide variety of fields, including physiology, psychology, home science, industrial design, product design, occupational health, industrial safety and engineering, reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of the subject.


Indonesian Ergonomics Society/Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) aims to develop and apply the Ergonomics approaches to several activities in technology, industry and other related activities that require Ergonomics intervention. More specifically, its goal is to achieve the harmony of interaction between people, tools and the environments, as well as to maintain the balance of use of fiscal, social and psychological issues for the improvement of quality of work life. Professionally, PEI serves as a community to gather and organize all academics, practitioners, and groups of interest on Ergonomics in applying any kinds of Ergonomics methods.

Inter-Regional (Russian) Ergonomics Association (IREA) is a non-profit public organization established in 1986 and targeted at facilitation of communication and collaboration between all specialists in ergonomics and human factors working in different regions of Russia.


The Irish Human Factors and Ergonomics Society was established officially in 1992 as an interdisciplinary non-profit, non-political, non-union, non-confessional organization of professional people involved in the ergonomics field. The Society promotes the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds.


The Israeli Human Factors and Ergonomics Association is a society for the promotion of ergonomics in workplaces, academia, public institutions, and throughout Israeli society.  The Association, founded in 1981, serves as a gathering place for ergonomics and human factors professionals and is one of the Federated Societies of the IEA.


The  Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (JES) founded in 1964 to promote research and related businesses on ergonomics. The society has now around 2,000 members. These members consist of specialists in many different fields, from researchers at colleges or research institutes to practitioners in industries, and have been conducting broad, interdisciplinary activities.


Kinebot is a simple, accessible and practical non-human-dependent system that perceives the amount of risk in the study of human movement, inherent to every professional activity based on the study of ergonomics. Using A.I. (Artificial intelligence), added to a computer vision system for evaluating human movement, we deliver objective data, in record time and in a quantity superior to current methods, without the bias of an analyst.

Kinebot increases your productivity, validating the improvements required for each condition during task execution, with accurate and reliable evaluations.


The Latvian Ergonomics Society (LES) promotes ergonomics scientific and practical development as well as understanding among societies about ergonomics essence in human life and work quality. LES promotes science-based practical and businesslike research projects in ergonomics and joined fields (in workload ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, organizations and design ergonomics) in Latvia.


The Peruvian Ergonomics Society (SOPERGO) is an Association made up of a group of multidisciplinary professionals committed to improve working conditions for a more dignified country, which seeks to encourage knowledge, development and application of ergonomics in our country on a non-profit basis.

Since, its creation on April 14, 2004, the society has been developing activities related to ergonomics, educational talks, ergonomic meetings, the holding of the national and international congress, this being a tool for transferring the knowledge and experience of national and international professionals.

It is appropriate to point out that with the active participation of each of its members, the publication of the Basic Ergonomics Standard in Peru has been consolidated, which makes a greater motivation for the performance of our members and the functioning of society.

Polish Ergonomics Society (PES)

The Polish Ergonomics Society (PES) was founded on May 16, 1977, as an initiative of 214 charter members specializing in various fields of knowledge. It currently consists of 14 field branches, and is a member of IAE.  

PES is an interdisciplinary scientific society working for the development and popularization of ergonomics in Poland. It is the most recognized ergonomics organization in Poland.


The Portuguese Ergonomics Association (APERGO) mission is to promote the practice and research of ergonomics and to foster member's professional growth. It was established in 1992 and has 67 members. It argues for the use of ergonomics in order to design usable and efficient products and interactive systems, to ensure occupational safety and health and to optimize overall system reliability and performance.


The Portuguese Society of Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO, is a nonprofit association, created in 2004, having as main objectives:

  • To promote a forum for discussion of different domains of Occupational Safety and Hygiene;
  • To provide the means for the development of educational and information campaigns;
  • To constitute a space of defence of common interests of practitioners, who carry out their professional activity in this area, supporting initiatives that, at national and international level, defend those interests;
  • To establish relations with similar scientific societies, both at national and international level.

The SPOSHO is headquartered in the pole of Guimarães of the University of Minho, Portugal, and has, currently, about 350 members, mostly individual members.

It integrates the European Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (ENSHPO, together with related organisations from 20 European countries.


The Ergonomics Society of South Africa (ESSA) is a federated member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). As a society, ESSA, aims to promote an awareness of ergonomics in South Africa and both the health and safety and productivity benefits that can be derived from the implementation of sound ergonomics principles.


The Asociacion Española de Ergonomia (AEE)/Spanish Ergonomics Society is a scientific-technical society of professionals established in 1989 by the ergonomics precursors from industry, universities and the Mutual Insurance Societies for Occupational Accidents and Diseases. Since then, part of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). In Spain there since 1997 a legal framework that includes the training program and the recognition of our discipline from the Labour and Educational Authorities (ROYAL DECREE 39/1997 of 17th January, by virtue of which the Regulations for Prevention services are approved).


The Swiss Ergonomics Association, in short SwissErgo, is the umbrella organization for all ergonomists and people involved in ergonomics in Switzerland. Our goal is to promote ergonomics in academic studies and in professional practice. SwissErgo has been founded in spring 1999 by 26 founding members and has been grown steadily to more than 160 members. Our association is “young” considering that in the second half of the last century Swiss ergonomists produced significant scientific contributions in the field and were at the forefront of the international development of ergonomics (e.g. Paule Rey and Etienne Grandjean). In the last twenty years Ergonomics in Switzerland has become more and more diverse, colorful, and dynamic. Ergonomics as a scientific discipline and as profession is still developing and significant changes in our work environment provide researchers and practitioners with new challenges.