Alliance Partners and Collaborators

Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics

Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE)

BCPE is a not-for-profit internationally recognized as the gold standard in HF/E certification. Our Board-Certified Professionals combine education and experience with knowledge of human capabilities, needs, and limitations to optimize design for people. Our credentials demonstrate to employers and colleagues your value and credibility as a HF/E practitioner. Over 1,500 professionals distinguished since 1990. Want to learn more? Visit or email us at

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health Continuing Education

The UC Ergonomics Research & Training Program engages in research, education and consulting services to understand the mechanisms leading to musculoskeletal and cardio-metabolic disorders, then identify and evaluate environment, designs and work practices that reduce the risk of ill health while optimizing human performance. As a NIOSH ERC, we offer graduate student support and a variety of continuing education opportunities.

The Ergonomics Center

The Ergonomics Center is a client-based organization housed in the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University. The Center’s highly experienced, board-certified ergonomists provide the highest quality ergonomics consulting, training programs and research for companies throughout the world. Our services include onsite training, job and task analysis, program development, engineering design guidelines, and cost-saving solutions for both industrial and office ergonomics.

Industrial Hygiene in the Workplace

Industrial Hygiene in the Workplace is an independent, six-times-a-year publication that focuses on issues important to industrial hygienists, plant managers, safety managers, environmental engineers and maintenance managers. Core topics include respiratory protection, gas detection, confined spaces, lab safety, wearable smart PPE, safety technology, chemical protection, ergonomics, safety culture – along with expert thought leadership pieces.


OSHA personnel are available to discuss ongoing initiatives supporting OSHA’s mission to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards, providing training, outreach, and compliance assistance. Working together with you for Healthier Workers, Safer Workplaces, and a Stronger America.

The Ohio State University

SRI-Ergonomics, part of OSU's Spine Research Institute, offers a wide range of ergonomics technical support services to companies and organizations nationwide. These include quantitative evaluations of work activities, training courses by our ergonomics experts (at the University and onsite), and applied research on many ergonomics issues of concern to practitioners.

Texas A&M Center for Worker Health

The Texas A&M Center for Worker Health will be expanding its reach at AEC. We’ll showcase opportunities in the areas of consulting, education and research. We’ll discuss recent findings and projects and talk with booth goers as to how we may be able to help them improve worker safety and health.

The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics

The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics has a longstanding history and distinguished record of research in the areas of Cognitive Ergonomics, Biomechanics, Work Physiology and Safety. Being part of the University of Michigan, with over 250 degree programs, uniquely qualifies us to take a systems-oriented and multidisciplinary approach to engineering and design and allows us to collaborate with experts in related disciplines. Information about continuing education, academic training and research opportunities in ergonomics and other occupational health and safety sciences are available.