How to Win an AEC Ergo Cup®

Presenters: Jeffrey Miller and Gino D'Aurizio, Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products, Monica Matlis, Axendia and Jeff Hoyle, The Ergonomics Center | Edward P. Fitts Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering

In this webinar hear from two previous winners of the coveted Ergo Cup® Award! Winners of the 2016 Ergo Cup® categories "Team-Driven Workplace Solutions (with Internal Competitions)" and "Engineering/Ergonomist-Driven Workplace Solutions" will share their insights on their projects and the process they followed that led to their victory. Lessons learned and tips that helped them stand-out will also be discussed, followed by a short Q&A period.

Jeffrey Miller, senior project engineer, and Gino D'Aurizio, team leader-facilities, are both from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products, a division of McNeil-PPC Inc.

View JNJ presentation | View Matlis & Hoyle presentation | View recording