#IISEAnnual2025 Social Media Tips

We encourage you to share your thoughts about the IISE Annual Conference & Expo, comment on speakers and sessions, and bring the topics you discuss during the conference to the online social media community. This is a great opportunity to learn from others and to network with fellow professionals within the industry.

We encourage you to take time to share your content on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram as well as other social media sites you regularly visit online. The content you post — whether it's simply tweets or short posts, photos, and/or video content — will be shared throughout the IISE social network and may also appear on the IISE website, on the IISE YouTube channel, or in an upcoming issue of ISE magazine.

Spread the word about #IISEAnnual2025

Here are a few suggestions* to be aware of as you participate in social media activity tied to the conference:


  • Tweets about this conference should be tagged with #IISEAnnual2025, so include the tag in your tweets.
  • You have 280 characters to write with per tweet (including links and tags), so do your best to describe each element of your experience in a single post. But feel free to tweet as often as you like throughout the conference.
  • If you'd like for IISE to consider retweeting your post, then tag them directly by including @IISEnet anywhere in the tweet (not necessary to include "please retweet" or "please RT" in the post).
  • Click here to find IISE on Twitter.


  • Post comments, photos and video on the IISE Facebook page.
  • Tag yourself, fellow attendees and the IISE in any conference-related posts.
  • Click here to find the IISE Facebook page on Facebook.


  • Like and comment on posts by other conference attendees.
  • Continue your session conversations on LinkedIn during and after the conference.
  • Click here to find IISE on LinkedIn.


  • If you will be using this app at the conference, then remember to tag @iisenet or include the tag #IISEAnnual2025 in the comments/captions.
  • Click here to find IISE on Instagram.

We hope you are able to capture the best highlights of your conference experience with your iPhone, Android, or other smart devices to share with IISE and the online industrial and systems engineering community. We look forward to seeing this annual event through your eyes!

*IISE has the right to omit or delete any social media content that it finds may be objectionable to the community.