Z94.12.7 Welding

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CARBON ARC-CUTTING. An arc-cutting process wherein the severing of metals is effected by melting with the heat of an arc between a carbon electrode and the base metal.

CARBON ARC-WELDING. An arc-welding process wherein coalescence is produced by heating with an arc between a carbon electrode and the work and no shielding is used. Pressure may or may not be used and filler metal may or may not be used.

COLD WELDING. A solid state welding process wherein coalescence is produced by the external application of mechanical force alone.

COOL TIME. The time interval between successive heat times in multiple-impulse welding or in the making of seam welds by resistance welding.

CORNER JOINT. A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of an L.

COVERED ELECTRODE. A filler-metal electrode, used in arc welding, consisting of a metal core wire with a relatively thick covering which provides protection for the molten metal from the atmosphere, improves the properties of the weld metal and stabilizes the arc.

COVER GLASS. A clear transparent material used in goggles, hand shields, and helmets to protect the filter lens from spattering material.

CRATER. In arc welding, a depression at the termination of a weld bead or in the weld pool beneath the electrode.

CRATER CRACK. A crack in the crater of a weld bead.

CUTTING TORCH. A device used in oxygen cutting for controlling and directing the gases used for preheating and the oxygen used for cutting the metal.

CYLINDER. A portable cylindrical container used for transportation and storage of a compressed gas.

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