| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


TACHOMETER. A rotational velocity sensor.

TACTILE SENSOR. A sensor that makes physical contact with an object in order to sense it; includes touch sensors, tactile arrays, force sensors, and torque sensors. Tactile sensors are usually constructed from microswitches, strain gauges, or pressure-sensitive conductive elastomers.

TEACH. To guide a manipulator arm through a series of points or in a motion pattern as a basis for subsequen automatic action by the manipulator.

TEACH PENDANT. Cable and keypad device for programming and controlling a machine.

TEARDOWN. The opposite of setup, taking place at the en of an operation, e.g., dismantling of assembly jigs, cleaning of vats or machines, etc.

TELEOPERATOR. A device having sensors and actuators for mobility and/or manipulation, remotely controlled by a human operator. A teleoperator allows an operator to extend his sensor-motor function to remote or hazardous environment.

TEMPLATE MATCHING. Pixel-by-pixel comparison of an image of a sample object with the image of a reference object, usually for purposes of identification, but also applicable to inspection.

THRESHOLDING. The process of quantizing pixel brightness to a small number of different levels (usually two levels, resulting in a binary image). A threshold is a level of brightness at which the quantized image brightness changes.

THROUGHPUT. The number of parts a manufacturing system produces per time unit.

TILT. (1) Orientation of a view, as with a video camera, in elevation. (2) Motion in the elevation direction.

TIMER. (1) In relay-panel hardware, an electromechanical device which can be wired and preset to control the operating interval of other devices. (2) In programmable controllers, a logical analog of the electromechanical device internal to the processor, which is controlled by a user-programmed instruction.

TOOLING. A set of required standard or special tools for production of a particular part, including jigs, fixtures. gauges, cutting tools, etc. Specifically excludes machine tools.

TOOL LIFE. The anticipated life of a cutting tool. It is usually expressed as either the number of pieces the tool is expected to make before it wears out or as the number of hours of use anticipated.

TOOL MODE. In robotics, the use of a coordinate system with its origin at the base of the end effector.

TRACKING. Continuous position control response to a continuously changing input.

TRAJECTORY. The time of intermediate robot arm configurations between initial location and goal.

TRANSDUCER. A device used to convert physical parameters, such as temperature, pressure, weight, etc., into electrical signals.

TRANSFER LINE. A linear network of workstations or machines, possibly separated by buffer storages, in which material flows from one end to the other in a sequence using a materials handling system.

TRANSFER MACHINE. An apparatus or device for grasping a work piece and moving it automatically through stages of a manufacturing process.

TRANSIENT. (1) General temm referring to a value that changes in time. (2) Response of a dynamic system to a transient input such as a step or a pulse.

TRANSLATION. Movement of a body such that all axes remain parallel to what they were, i.e., without rotation.

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