Z94.12.3 G - Manufacturing Automation & Computer Control

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


GAIN. Refers to the ratio between the output signal and the input signal of a device.

G CODE. A preparatory numerical code in a program addressed by the letter G indicating a special function or cycle type in an NC system. Also known as G function.

GENESIS. A two axis contouring and simultaneous third axis linear capability processor language for all types of NC/CNC machine tools. Many macros that provide automatic cycles that minimize the programmer's time and eliminates repetitive calculations.

GETURN. General Electric Company's information services division offers GETURN for the programming of lathe parts. It was developed with the cooperation of the TNO Metaalinstituut of the Netherlands, and has been operational in Europe under the name MITURN since 1970.

GNC. Graphical Numerical Control is a part programming system using interactive graphics, mills, lathes, flame cutters, drills, EDM systems and large machining centers. GNC provides effective tape generation by providing graphic displays of the part, the tool path, and the tools themselves.

GRAPHIC INPUT. Input of symbols to NC systems that comes from lines drawn on a cathode ray tube or information obtained from drawings by a scanner.

GRAPHIC PANEL. Master control panel in automation and remote control systems, which shows the relations and functioning of the different parts of the control equipment by means of colored block diagrams.

GROUP TECHNOLOGY. (1) The classification and coding of parts on the basis of similarity of parts. (2) The grouping of parts based on processing similarities so that they can be processed together. (3) The grouping of various machines to produce a family of parts.


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