Canadian Region

IISE's Canadian Region (formerly Region 14) comprises all the provinces and territories of Canada. We have more than 500 active IISE members in this region, with the majority in Ontario (48 percent) and Quebec (25 percent). Most of our professional members are active in the Toronto and Quebec chapters. Our 10 student chapters are also active with upcoming industrial engineers. The remainder of our members belong to the members-at-large community. Our mission is to provide value to our members by offering a connection point that represents the needs, concerns and support efforts of industrial engineers across Canada.

Regional Vice President of Canadian Region - Dr. Dionne Aleman

DionneDionne Aleman is the Associate Dean of Cross-Disciplinary Programs in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto and is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. She holds appointments in the UofT Institute for Health Policy, Management & Evaluation, the UofT Institute for Pandemics, and the UHN Techna Institute. She is also a co-Director of the International Centre for Translational Digital Health. She received her PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (2007), MSc from the University of Florida (2006), and BSc from the University of Florida (2003).

Dr. Aleman’s research focuses on the application of operations research to healthcare systems to improve the quality, timeliness, and efficiency of care. This research includes using optimization, simulation, machine learning, and graph theory to design radiation therapy treatment plans, to predict and mitigate the spread of pandemic diseases, to improve surgical scheduling, and to optimize organ transplant matches. Dr. Aleman has held grants from NSERC, CIHR, CFI, ORF, and NSF. She is a two-term past President of the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS). Within INFORMS, she has served as a member of the Committee for Teaching and Learning and Chair/President of the Health Applications Society (HAS), Public Sector OR Section (PSOR), Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG), and INFORM-ED. Within IISE, she is the Canada Regional VP. Dr. Aleman has also served in editorial positions for Royal Society Open Science, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, OMEGA, International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining, and Operations Research in Health Care.

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Chapter management


Canada Region

This region includes all provinces and territories in Canada and has two professional chapters:

  • Toronto
  • Atlantic Provinces

There are IISE student chapters at 9 colleges and universities in the region: 

  • Concordia University
  • Ecole de Technologie Superieure
  • Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
  • Dalhousie University
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Windsor
  • University of Regina