Using data science to achieve equitable outcomes in healthcare

Health outcome data clearly shows different outcomes for different populations. A look at ZIP codes within the same city will reveal different life expectancies (“Life Expectancy: Could where you live influence how long you live?” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation).
By Shay Bergmann, Joel Brock, Jann Gao, Bethlyn Gerard, Jennifer Percival and James Rawson

Rearview mirror perspective: Is the pursuit of waste worth the effort?

Waste is one of the most underrated and under respected operational issues, particularly in healthcare. Over the last 20-plus years, it’s amazing to see how many leaders really don’t understand or appreciate this topic, which tends to be the elephant in the room more times than not. Moreover, we have found that the common thread causing operational issues tends to be one or more types of waste. The key question to answer: Is the relentless pursuit of waste worth the effort?
By Casey Bedgood

5H’s: Essential qualities of a Lean leader in manufacturing

Any small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) with 50 to 250 employees could not afford CEOs like Akio Toyoda, Larry Culp, Alan Mullaly or Gary Convis to lead their implementation of Lean. Nor would they recruit legendary corporate leaders like Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson or Bill Gates (How to Lead: Wisdom from the World’s Greatest CEOs, Founders and Game Changers, David M. Rubenstein, 2020) due to their lack of expertise and experience in implementation of Lean.
By Shahrukh A. Irani

Designing aisles for working facilities

A rationalized aisle system is essential for the movement of people and product. It improves flexibility for the inevitable future changes and rearrangements. It improves communication by making the process and people visible and clear.
By Quarterman Lee