Best Practices
Presenter: Joseph Wilck, Ph.D., P.E., assistant professor, East Carolina University
University regional conferences are an excellent experience for IIE student members to network, learn, and explore the various realms of industrial engineering. This webinar addresses best practices for the host chapters, including roles for students and faculty, to prepare and plan for this exciting opportunity. Topics will include timeline, budgeting, and fundraising.
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Make it easy for attendees to register for your conference. Add an online conference registration form to your conference website.
Faculty sponsored reception - for all faculty members in attendance to socialize
- Sponsored by the department
- Have department head issue invitation (email) to all faculty advisors in the region and in school as well.
- Invite judges to attend this reception.
Contributed by 2003 region 3
Engineering Competition
- Engineering related exercise - a bridge building competition.
- Objective: to build the cheapest bridge using materials & "tool kit" provided by host chapter. (include details and rules of exercise later). Contributed by region 14
Industrial Engineering Competition
- Every university will participate in this student competition.
- University will identify/solicit local companies in the area for this exercise.
- A team from each chapter will be assigned to a company that will present them with a real-life engineering problem.
- The solution will assert the technical knowledge and the oratory ability of the team members.
- After only a few hours of work and research, teams will present their solution to all the students and to company representatives. Contributed by region 14
Graduate School Fair
- Opportunity to showcase the host school's graduate program to attendees.
- Opportunity for schools to meet the brightest IE undergraduates from the region.
- Sell booth/table to school (optional).
- Target companies that heavily recruit in your respective schools.
- Ask faculty for any connections in industry they might have.
- Contact alumni currently working in industry.
Technical Paper Competition
Ask host chapter to submit list of competitors to IISE for membership verification.
- Multiauthored paper - primary author or presenter must be a member of IISE.
Regional winners must be able to attend the IISE Annual Conference & Expo to participate in the global finals.
- To inspire a greater percent of conference attendees (other than students from the presenter's school) to be present at the TPC, the host chapter implemented a raffle drawing between each presenter. Or this can be done at break times if the your conference is to have numerous presenters. The host chapter increased attendance at this main event - to 150 students and faculty in attendance.
Have a corporate sponsor for the region technical paper competition and give appropriate recognition to sponsor.
- Name the competition IISE/JD TPC.
- Appropriate signage.
- If possible, use some of that money to subsidize the winner's expense to the national competition.
Items C & D contributed by region 6 host chapter.
Delegates Meeting
- Use this as an opportunity to get ideas or info on what the chapters would like to see IISE provide or do to strengthen their chapters, etc.
- Elect a regional communication officer who will facilitate and maintain open communication among student chapters in the region. Perhaps with a regional electronic newsletter?
- Survey of conference activities and programs.
- Encourage attendees to fill out survey - section for comments.
- Share results of survey with host committee, HQ and next year's host chapter.
- Other Awards presented at the conference.
- Purpose: to enhance regional participation.
- An award or trophy given to the most outstanding delegation during the conference that demonstrated the most dynamism throughout the whole event.
- Recognition of chapter with most representatives at the conference.