What ISE's Say About Their Work

Why did you become an industrial and systems engineer?

"I liked the fact that ISEs have a technical aspect to their work but also deal with people and the business side. It’s not just hard-core technical work but focuses on integrating people with systems. It also is a diverse career with seemingly limitless options on different types of jobs."

"I enjoy the hands-on interaction and the people interaction."

"Before deciding on the discipline of ISE, I interviewed engineers in several other disciplines and came to understand that ISEs were people engineers more so than all others. The field was about continually improving the way things are done, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of operating systems. One of the most fascinating aspects of the field was exploration of man-machine environment interfaces."

"I was looking for a career where I could apply computer technology and software in a technical field in order to develop, illustrate, and present solutions to problems. I chose industrial engineering because of the breadth of discipline and industry, the interaction with people, and the challenge of applying engineering quantitative techniques to an often-times subjective world."

"I wanted to work more with people than with machines. I wanted to use my mathematical skills to do something applicable in the real world."

What do you like most about being an industrial and systems engineer?

"Opportunities for advancement into management."

"I have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects that overlap both engineering and business topics."

"The integration of man and machine."

"Dealing with everyone from the front-line hourly worker to the chief executive officer."

"Having the ability to change people's work environment in a positive and rewarding way."

"I enjoy the wide base of knowledge that the ISE education has provided me. It has allowed me to rise quickly to the top of my company."

"I thrive on improving efficiency and productivity. Making a significant difference is what keeps me going."

What’s been your most interesting project?

"Converting a major production line to a just-in-time and kanban system."

"Representing our company as we designed and built a new 190,000-square-foot manufacturing plant."

"Development of a staffing model for engineering and technical manpower in support of B-1 bomber acquisition."

"Developing a hardware protection program for spacecraft."

"My most interesting design project was the development of the new conceptual layout of the Canadian Navy's dockyard and ship repair maintenance facility in British Columbia as the lead engineer."

What is the most important contribution that industrial and systems engineering makes?

"Doing more with less."

"Business enhancement through productivity improvement."

"Analyzing and improving processes regardless of the industry."

"Sound decision making."

"The wonderful and practical ways to measure current work systems."

"The total systems approach -- understanding all aspects and disciplines of a problem and bringing these aspects together."

"Being able to communicate with the worker, design engineer, accounting and marketing."

"The philosophy that there is always a better way."