The Fred C. Crane Distinguished Service Award

Recognizes an individual’s contributions to the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers that have been rendered through long and arduous service at the Institute level. The award is named for Fred C. Crane, who served for many years as the Institute conference coordinator.


All IISE members


No more than one award will be granted each year. The service contribution may have been in the form of offices held, work on specific committees or task forces, or completion of special projects or similar activities.

Nomination process:

  1. Submit a nomination form.
  2. Three letters of recommendation should be limited to a maximum of two pages each.
  3. The nomination form, the nominator's letter and CV package should be limited to 12 pages.
  4. The entire nomination packet should be no more than 18 pages total.
  5. The letters of recommendation should be written by officers or former officers of the Institute (Each letter has a maximum of two pages).