The award will recognize ES division members who have made sustained and exceptional contributions to research and applications in energy systems. The recipient of the award must have demonstrated sustained and distinguished scholarly performance over a reasonably long time, typically ten years or more.

Nominations for the award can be initiated only by active members of ES.


  • Must be a member of IISE.
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • Both the nominator and the nominee must not be serving on the award committee that year.
  • Contenders who do not receive the award in an award cycle may be nominated again in subsequent years.
  • The winner of the award will give a brief presentation at the ES division town hall meeting.
  • The winner of the award will be recognized at the ES town hall meeting at the 2024 IISE Annual Conference & Expo.

Application Package

Each nomination package must include:

  • A cover page including the names of the nominator and the nominee, and their contact information.
  • A brief nomination letter, of no more than two pages, written by the nominator explaining why the nominee is deserving of the award.
  • Up to three reference letters supporting the nomination.
  • A maximum 10-page biography that documents the research record, scholarly output (refereed publications etc.), and other outstanding achievements by the nominee.

The package should be submitted to the committee chair Valerie Thomas in electronic format by Feb. 9, 2024. The committee will review the nominations and report to the Division officers as soon as a recommendation decision is reached, that must be no later than Feb. 15, 2024.


  • Nominations will be made electronically. The award committee chair will send a confirmation email to the nominators and the nominees for acceptance of their nominations.
  • Only one honoree will be selected per nomination cycle.
  • No individual may receive the award more than once.
  • The award will be given annually. If the committee believes that none of the nominated individuals deserves the award in a particular year, the committee can choose not to award anyone in that year.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Societies and divisions must follow standard conflict of interest guidelines. Those guidelines include, but are not limited to:

  • Officers and Board members of the Division should be ineligible for awards during the period of their service, without approval by the Senior VP for Technical Operations (SVP). Exceptions may only be made by the SVP when awards are time sensitive, and the impacted board member(s) or officer(s) must recuse themselves from the award process. For awards that are not time-sensitive, the nominee should wait until their Officer or Board service is complete to be nominated.
  • The awards committee (or judging committee) should not include members who have either a personal or professional relationship with the nominees. For example, a faculty member should not be judging a paper competition where a participant from the same university is a nominee for best paper award.
  • The awards committee (or judging committee) should actively change its membership on a rotating basis from year to year to ensure fairness, equity, and diversity. That is, some members of the judging committee should roll off the committee and new members should roll on.

Important Dates

  • Nomination package due to Valerie Thomas by Feb. 9, 2024.
  • Winners notified by Mar. 8, 2024.


  • Recognition at the Annual Conference:
    • at the ES Town Hall Meeting
    • before the final day keynote address
  • Certificate provided by IISE (either mailed or given at the town hall meeting)
  • Recognition in ISE magazine
  • Recognition on ES webpage and in the newsletter

Award Committee

  • David Coit
  • Andrew Kusiak
  • Sarah M. Ryan
  • Valerie M. Thomas (Chair)

2024 Winner

Yu Ding
Georgia Institute of Technology

2023 Winner

Ramteen Sioshansi
Carnegie Mellon University

2022 Winner

Yongpei Guan
University of Florida