IISE Manufacturing and Design (M&D) division outstanding Service award

This award recognizes Manufacturing and Design (M&D) Division members who have demonstrated leadership and made significant contributions to public and community matters related to the manufacturing engineering profession (academia or/and industry) and have been active in the IISE M&D community.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a member of IISE and the Manufacturing and Design Division at the time of nomination for at least two years.
  • Candidates must be nominated by others. Self nominations are not allowed
  • Demonstrated dedicated and established service in the manufacturing engineering field.
  • Have demonstrated active participation in the M&D division (evidence includes but is not limited to IISE conference presentations/papers, publication in IISE Transactions, and service to the M&D division)
  • Have not previously received the Manufacturing and Design Outstanding Service Award
  • An award committee will evaluate the service records and achievements of the nominee and selection of one awardee will occur no later than March 15, 2025.
  • Registration for the IISE Annual Conference & Expo is not required for 2025.

Nomination Package

The nomination package must include:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Position
  • Complete contact information
  • Nominator’s contact information


  • Personal statement describing the candidates' service to the industrial engineering profession, leadership roles in the field and contributions to public and community matters related to the manufacturing engineering profession (maximum of two pages).
  • Curriculum vita (max. 10 pages).
  • Three letters of recommendation (each limited to two pages).

Important Dates (Deadlines)

  • Nomination packages are due February 9, 2025 to Dr. Hannah Budinoff
  • Winners/finalists notified by March 15, 2025


  • Winner will receive a certificate with a hardback cover at the M&D townhall meeting at the IISE Annual Conference & Expo.
  • Winner will be recognized in Honors & Awards program.
  • Winner will be recognized on the M&D webpage and in the M&D newsletter
  • Winner will be recognized in ISE magazine.

Committee Chair

Dr. Hannah Budinoff

Conflict of Interest Policy

It is imperative to maintain the integrity of the awards programs within IISE and the M&D Division. Therefore, all members of the division shall abide by the following conflict of interest policy requirements.

  • M&D officers and board members are ineligible for M&D awards during their period(s) of service without approval from IISE’s Senior Vice President for Technical Operations (SVP). Exceptions may only be made by the SVP when awards are time sensitive (e.g., Student board member is nominated for Best Student Paper Award, but will graduate before the Annual Conference). In the case of time sensitive awards without SVP approval, the affected officer/members must be recused from the awards processes. For non-time sensitive awards, officers and board members may be nominated for awards after their service on the M&D Division board has ended.
  • Award selection committees shall consist of members who have neither personal nor professional relationships with nominees. Upon knowing that such a conflict arises, the member shall immediately be recused from further participation in the selection process.
  • Award committee members should change annually to ensure fairness, diversity and equality.

Questions? Contact Amy Straub.

2021 Winner

Paul Cohen
Edgar S. Woolard Distinguished Professor
Edward P. Fits Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
North Carolina State University (NCSU)

Past winners

Manufacturing and Design Division page