In Ergonomics, The Whole Person Matters

Presenter: Colin Drury, Ph.D., professor emeritus of industrial and systems engineering, University at Buffalo, SUNY

As ergonomics/human factors (E/HF) practitioners we have become very skilled in addressing a limited range of problems. Mainly we deal with the physical side of the person at work, reducing injuries and physical stresses on the workforce. When this is the solution needed, we do a fine job. However, not all human/system problems at work are physically-based so we need to use the rest of our training in E/HF to find workable solutions. This we can do, but those who employ us or call us in for solutions may not realize this broader aspect of our work. The result is that the "presenting problem" may require quite a different solution technique to what our employers thought! This webinar provides many examples of where the solution went beyond the physical effects on the workforce to find and address true underlying causes. It shows us how to use a broader range of the tools of our discipline to find better practical solutions to better fit the work to the whole person.

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