Web Banner Advertising

Enhance your company's image and brand awareness throughout the year. Banner ads can drive traffic to your website or landing page of your choice to allow dynamic and time-sensitive promotion. Use web banners to reach IISE's international membership and demonstrate the value of your products or services.

The Leaderboard position is now available in five different sizes to guarantee your message is viewable on any computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Drive traffic directly to your website with a branded ad about your company's products or services.

Website monthly averages: 

  • 400,000+ page views 
  • 78,000+ sessions 
  • 58,000+ users 

Web visitors spend 3 minutes 16 seconds per visit and view an average of 4.9 pages. 

Note: Google Analytics now uses "sessions" instead of "visits" and "users" instead of "unique visits." The metrics for these categories has not changed.

Banner Ads — Maximum file size 150 KB


Large Leaderboard — Create different versions of your ads for all devices
(static ad and animated .gif accepted).

Desktop = 970px X 90px

Desktop/Tablet = 728px X 90px

Tablet = 468px X 60px

Smartphone = 320px X 50px

Smartphone = 300px X 50px

$2,300 per month

Medium Rectangle - 300px X 250px
(static ad only)

$1,800 per month

For more information about IISE advertising, please contact advertising@iise.org.