Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) Division best Student Paper Competition
The Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) division of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) is sponsoring a student paper competition as part of the IISE Annual Conference & Expo, May 31 - June 3, 2025, Atlanta, GA.
The purpose of this competition is to honor outstanding papers in the field of quality and/or reliability engineering research and practice. Awards will be presented at the QCRE town hall meeting during IISE Annual Conference & Expo. The winners will be acknowledged in the QCRE newsletter and the website. The winner and finalist papers are eligible to be recommended to the INFORMS Journal of Data Science (IJDS).
Eligibility Criteria
Both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit papers. The following conditions apply to submissions for this competition:
- The paper topic must fit the QCRE themes.
- The applicant must be a full-time student at the time of submission.
- The student must be the first author and an IISE QCRE member.
- The paper must present original research results and cannot be accepted for publication elsewhere at the time of submission (it can, however, be submitted and/or under review for possible publication at the time of submission for this competition).
- The paper must not have won or been considered for an award in another competition.
- Previous finalists who wish to compete again should submit an entirely different paper. Past winners are not eligible for the competition.
Formatting and submission guidelines
- Entrants must submit (1) a blinded and unblinded version of the paper and (2) a formal signed statement from the student and the advisor (attached to the end of this document),
affirming that the majority of the original results presented in the paper are due to the student’s efforts rather than the advisor or other collaborators involved in the work.
- All submissions should be in electronic format (.PDF files ONLY) to both coordinators (in a single email),
Dr. Syed Hasib Akhter Faruqui and
Dr. Zimo Wang by February 14, 2025 (11:59 PM local time of the lead author). Late or incomplete submissions will be ineligible for the competition. All submitted papers will be reviewed and ranked by the reviewer committee, and the finalists will be announced in March 2024.
- Papers must be within 8 pages (the page limit does not include references but includes appendices; format with 1-inch margins, single column, single-spaced, 12-point font, in Times New Roman) and must begin
with an abstract of 250 words maximum. The submitted paper must follow the format or will be returned without review.
Submission Form
Important Notes
- Papers submitted for this competition will NOT be published in the ISERC proceedings.
- IISE and the QCRE division do NOT own the copyrights of the papers submitted for this competition. However, the papers must be available to the QCRE division to be posted on their web page.
Important Dates (Deadlines)
- Full paper submissions are due February 14, 2025
- Notification on full paper decisions are due March 9, 2025
- Winners/Finalists will be notified by March 15, 2025
- Speaker registration deadline: March 23, 2025
- Paper final revision submission deadline: March 31, 2025
- First prize winner(s) will receive a certificate with a hardback cover at the QCRE townhall meeting at the Annual Conference.
- Second and Third prize winners will receive a digital certificate and be recognized at the QCRE townhall meeting at the Annual Conference
- First, second, and third prize winners will be recognized on the QCRE webpage and in the QCRE newsletter
- First, second, and third prize winners will be recognized in ISE magazine.
Committee Chairs
Dr. Syed Hasib Akhter Faruqui
Dr. Zimo Wang
Conflict of Interest Policy
Societies and divisions must follow standard conflict of interest guidelines. Those guidelines include, but are not limited to:
- Officers and Board members of the Division should be ineligible for awards during the period of their service, without approval by the Senior VP for Technical Operations (SVP). Exceptions may only be made by the SVP when awards are time sensitive, and the impacted board member(s) or officer(s) must recuse themselves from the award process.
For awards that are not time-sensitive, the nominee should wait until their Officer or Board service is complete to be nominated.
- The awards committee (or judging committee) should not include members who have either a personal or professional relationship with the nominees. For example, a faculty member should not be judging a paper competition where a participant from the same university is a nominee for best paper award.
- The awards committee (or judging committee) should actively change its membership on a rotating basis from year to year to ensure fairness, equity, and diversity. That is, some members of the judging committee should roll off the committee and new members should roll on.
2024 Winners
Yifan Li, Xiaowei Yue, Zhi-hai Zhang, Li Zheng
Tsinghua University
"An Unsupervised Embedding Method Based on High-streaming Videos for Process Monitoring in Repetitive Manufacturing"
2023 Winners
Michael Biehler, Jianjun Shi
Georgia Institute of Technology
"DETONATE: Nonlinear Dynamic Evolution Modeling of Time-dependent 3-dimensional Point Cloud Profiles"
Past Winners
QCRE Division Page