Z94.14 - Operations & Inventory Planning & Control

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GANTT CHART. The earliest and best known type of control chart especially designed to show graphically the relationship between planned performance and actual performance. Used especially for machine loading, where one horizontal line represents capacity and another represents load against the capacity. Also used for following job progress where one horizontal line represents the production schedule and another represents the actual progress of the job against the schedule in time. Named after its originator, H. L. Gantt, scientific management pioneer.

GATEWAY WORK CENTER. A starting work center.

GROSS REQUIREMENTS. The total of independent and dependent demand for a part or an assembly for a specific time period prior to the netting of on-hand inventory and scheduled receipts.

GROUP CLASSIFICATION CODE. A part or material classification technique designating characteristics by hierarchical code groups. For example, classification may denote function, type of material, size, shape, etc. (See GROUP TECHNOLOGY, CODING, CLASSIFICATION.)

GROUP TECHNOLOGY. The bringing together and organizing (grouping) of common concepts, principles, problems, and tasks (technology) in order to take advantage of their similarities.

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