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OFF-LINE. (1) Pertaining to devices not under direct control of the central processing unit. (2) Operation where the CPU operates independently of the time base of input data or peripheral equipment.

ONLINE. (1) Pertaining to equipment or devices under direct control of the central processing unit. (2) Operation where input data is fed directly from measuring devices into the CPU or MCU. (3) In teleprocessing, a system in which the input data enters the computer directly from the point of origin and/or in which data is transmitted directly to where it is used.

OPEN-LOOP CONTROL. Control achieved by driving control actuators with a sequence of preprogrammed signals without measuring actual system response and closing the feedback loop.

OPERATION. A defined action, i.e., the act of obtaining a result from one or more elements.

OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION (OCR). The machine identification of printed characters through use of light sensitive devices.

OPTICAL SCANNER. (1) A device that scans optically and usually generates an analog or digital signal. (2) A device that optically scans printed or written data and generates their digital representations.

OPTIMAL CONTROL. A control scheme whereby the system response to a commanded input is optimal according to a specified objective function or criterion of performance, given the dynamics of the process to be controlled and the constraints on measuring.

OPTIMIZATION. The analysis of a system to determine parameters that make it perform best in some sense, such as minimum cost.

OUTPUT. (1) The finished result of an activity. (2) Data that has been processed from an internal storage to an external storage.

OVERSHOOT. The degree to which a system response, such as change in reference input, goes beyond the desired value.

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