Z94.8 Facility Planning & Design
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SAFETY BELT. A device, usually worn around the waist, which, by reason of its attachment to a lanyard and lifeline or a structure, will prevent a worker from falling.
SAFETY WORK SURFACE. A surface intended to reduce the possibility of a foot slippage.
SAW-TOOTH DOCK. A particular dock layout requiring trucks to enter and exit the dock area at an angle to the building wall where the docks are located.
SCAN. (1) The search for a symbol which is to be optically recognized. (2) A search for marks to be recognized by the recognition unit of an optical scanner.
SCAN AREA. The area intended to contain a symbol.
SCANNING CURTAIN. The effective reading area (width x height) of a moving beam scanner, which is equal to its depth-of-field and height-of-scan at a specific operating range.
SCHEDULING. Assignment of material transfer requests (jobs) to material handling devices.
SCOOP. An attachment to handle loose or bulk material by a shoveling action. Can be manually or power manipulated and dumped.
SCREW CONVEYOR. A conveyor screw revolving in a suitably shaped stationary trough or casing fitted with hangers, trough ends and other auxiliary accessories.
SCREW CONVEYOR, ROTATING CASING. A screw conveyor in which a tubular casing rotates.
SCREW CONVEYOR, VERTICAL. A screw conveyor that conveys in a substantially vertical path.
SCREW, CUT-AND-FOLDED FLIGHT. A conveyor screw with a section or sections of each pitch cut and folded back.
SCREW, CUT FLIGHT. A conveyor screw with a section or sections notched from each pitch.
SCREW, DOUBLE FLIGHT. A conveyor screw having two conveyor screw flights mounted 180° apart on the pipe or shaft. The axial distance between adjacent flights is equal to one-half the pitch of the conveyor screw flight.
SECTION. (1) A non-permanent or permanent physical division within a facility, and may be delineated by the structural features of the facility such as columns, partitions, firewalls, etc. (2) A single column of storage racks or shelves.
SELECTIVE RACK. A rack that provides complete access to every pallet load on it.
SELF-FEEDING CONVEYOR. Any conveyor so arranged as to feed itself automatically without the necessity of using a separate feeder.
SELF-FEEDING PORTABLE CONVEYOR. Any power-propelled conveyor designed to advance into a pile of bulk material, thereby automatically feeding itself.
SELF LOADING. The capability of a powered industrial truck to pick up, carry, and deposit its load without the aid of external handling means.
SEMI-GANTRY CRANE. A traveling crane with one end of the bridge supported on one or more legs running on fixed rails or other runway and the other end of the bridge supported by a truck running on an elevated rail or runway.
SERIAL CODE. A bar code symbol typically used with a fixed beam scanner where the scanning action is caused by the motion of the symbol past the scanning head. The bits of the symbol are evaluated one at a time (serially) as the symbol passes.
SERVICE AISLE. An aisle necessary to provide access to interiors of stacks for inventory, inspection, or for protective processing.
SHAFT. (1) A vertical space within a building, generally extending through more than one story, usually enclosed, created to house vertical functions. (2) A passageway through the ground, generally constructed to provide for movement of men or material from one level to another.
SHARED STORAGE POLICY. A storage policy in which items with relatively high transaction rates are stored in spaces near the I/O point and items with relatively low transaction rates are stored farther away from the I/O point.
SHELF. A horizontal supporting surface above floor level within a rack or storage section. When carousel carriers are subdivided horizontally, the sub-division surfaces are also referred to as shelves.
SHELF CONNECTOR. A device used at each end of a beam to connect the beam to an upright frame.
SHIPPING. The function of recording, reporting, and sending merchandise to the consumer.
SHIPPING AREA. The space reserved for the shipping function.
SHIP’S CONVEYOR ELEVATOR. A deck-mounted pocket or suspended tray conveyor arranged to be lowered into a ship's hold to varying depths for the purpose of loading or unloading packages and objects. Not to be confused with a marine leg.
SHOP. The space and resources assigned to a functional group engaged in making or repairing a variety of articles.
SHRINKWRAP. A method of unitizing a load by placing a plastic sheet over the load and applying heat and suction so that the load is tightly wrapped by the plasticfilm.
SHUTTLE. The load supporting mechanism on the carriage of an S/R machine which provides for movement of loads into or out of storage compartments and P & D stations.
SHUTTLE CONVEYOR. Any conveyor such as a belt, chain, apron, screw, etc., in a self-contained structure movable in a defined path parallel to the flow of the material.
SIDE LOADER. A self-loading truck, generally high lift, having load engaging means mounted in such a manner that it can be extended laterally under control to permit a load to be picked up and deposited in the extended position and transported in the retracted position on the truck bed.
SIDE LOADING ATTACHMENT. An attachment used to pick up loads and deposit them at right angles to the longitudinal axis of a lift truck. (Primarily intended for narrow aisle operations.)
SIDE-MOUNTED OPERATOR COMPARTMENT. An operator compartment a portion of which is located outside of a longitudinal line connecting between outermost front and rear tires.
SIDE-PULL EN MASSE CONVEYOR. An arrangement of horizontal closed circuit conveyor in which the tension element is at one side and above the moving stream of material.
SIDE PUSHER CONVEYOR. A trolley conveyor with arms cantilevered to the side to push free trolleys on parallel tracks or with pushers to engage the cantilevered arms of free trolleys.
SIDE SHIFTER. A device to permit lateral movement of the load-engaging means on a lift truck.
SILO. (1) A tall cylindrical building, usually used for storing bulk commodities. (2) A tall cylindrical building in the ground such as that used for storing missiles.
SINGLE ARM. Horizontal load member affixed to a column for single side loading.
SINGLE COMMAND CYCLE. The time between actuation of the S/R machine and completion of a cycle in which one load is stored or retrieved and the S/R machine is ready to start a new cycle.
SINGLE DEEP STORAGE. Loads which are stored one deep on each side of an aisle.
SINGLE RACK. A pallet storage rack with only two upright frames and one or more shelves.
SINGLE-ROW LAYOUT. A layout of machines, workstations, and support services along a well defined row.
SITC. Standard International Trade Classification. (See COMMODITY CODE. See also STANDARD INTERNATIONAL TRADE CLASSIFICATION.)
SKATE-WHEEL CONVEYOR. A wheel conveyor making use of series of skate wheels mounted on common shafts or axles, or mounted on parallel spaced bars on individual axles. (See WHEEL CONVEYOR.)
SKEW TABLE. A live roller conveyor having its rollers skewed for the purpose of moving objects laterally against a guide member. It may have a fixed or an adjustable guide member. (See ROLLER CONVEYOR, SKEWED.)
SKID SUPPORT. A pair of upturned channels placed front to back across a pair of shelf beams.
SKIP HOIST. A bucket or car operating up and down a defined path receiving, elevating, and discharging bulk materials.
SKU. Stock Keeping Unit.
SLAT CONVEYOR. A conveyor employing one or more endless chains to which nonoverlapping, noninterlocking, spaced slats are attached.
SLAVE PALLETS. A handling base or container on which a unit load is supported and which normally is captive to an AS/RS.
SLIDER BED. A stationary surface on which the carrying portion of a conveyor belt slides.
SLIDING CHAIN CONVEYOR. One or more endless chains sliding on tracks on which packages or objects are carried.
SLIDING TYPE SWITCH. A switch with a movable inner frame containing straight and/or curved sections of track. The inner frame can be slid to align these sections of track with other tracks for routing carriers from one track to another.
SLING. A flexible means of connecting the load and the hoisting device.
SLOPE CONVEYOR. Usually a troughed belt conveyor used for transporting coal or ore through an inclined passage to the surface from an underground mine. (See APRON CONVEYOR, BELT CONVEYOR, FLIGHT CONVEYOR.)
SOLID TIRE. A tire, such as “Cushion Tire” or “Low-Solid Tire,” made of resilient solid material.
SORTATION SYSTEM. An automated conveyor system with diverters used for sorting items in a warehouse.
SORTING CONVEYOR. A conveyor which receives mixed unit loads and discharges them to segregated spaces or conveyors in response to an automatic dispatch control. Operator attention is usually required to introduce the dispatch signal into a memory system.
SPACE. One or more areas.
SPAN. Center to center distance between runways.
SPARK ENCLOSING EQUIPMENT. Auxiliary units which completely enclose the electrical equipment on the vehicle to prevent the emission of electric sparks. It includes the enclosure of the generator, electric motors, contactors, and protection of certain other electrical equipment.
SPINDLE CONVEYOR. A chain-on-end conveyor in which the chain pins extend in a vertical plane and are usually of enlarged diameter in that portion above the chain on which special revolvable fixtures can be rotated for the purpose of spraying or drying. Outboard rollers or sliding shoes support the chain and products.
SPINE LAYOUT. A type of layout with a central aisle (spine) from which branch secondary aisles usually perpendicular to the central aisle.
SPOT. The placing of a truck or boxcar where it is required for loading or unloading.
SPUR TRACK. A fixed track arranged to interlock with an adjacent crane girder to permit passage of carriers from the spur track to the crane and vice versa.
SQUARING SHAFT. A driven shaft which transmits torque to drive wheels operating on two or more tracks.
STABILITY. A truck’s resistance to overturning. (The recognized method of measurement is the “Tilting Platform Tests” covered in Appendix A of ASA Safety Code B56.1-1959 plus additions shown in Section 4 of ITA Recommended Practices Manual.)
STACKER CONVEYOR. (1) A conveyor adapted to piling or stacking bulk materials, packages or objects. (See APRON CONVEYOR; BELT CONVEYOR; FLIGHT CONVEYOR; PORTABLE CONVEYOR; SLAT CONVEYOR.) (2) A fixed or pivotally mounted boom conveyor. (3) With a blending system the stacker operates over the stocking conveyor in a manner similar to a wing tripper to build layered piles or beds of material parallel to the stocking conveyor. (See BOOM CONVEYOR; PORTABLE CONVEYOR.)
STAIR. A series of steps allowing walking access from one level to another.
STAIRWAY. One or more flights of stairs and the necessary landings and platforms connected therewith to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one floor to another or to the roof or to the ground.
STANDARD INTERNATIONAL TRADE CLASSIFICATION (SITC). A numerical code developed by the United Nations and adopted by the U.S. scheduled airlines and airlines of most other countries as a basis for numerical identification of commodities moving in airfreight. (See COMMODITY CODE.)
START/STOP CHARACTER. A bar code character that provides the scanner with start and stop reading instructions as well as code orientation. The start character is normally at the left-hand end of a picket fence oriented code and adjacent to the most significant character. The stop character is normally at the right-hand end of a picket fence oriented code and adjacent to the last significant character.
STATION. An established location in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain. This space includes that area necessary for the operation, material being processed or worked on, and the auxiliary equipment necessary to perform the assigned function.
STEEL BELT CONVEYOR. A belt conveyor using a steel band belt as the conveying medium.
STOCK NUMBER. Number assigned to an item, principally to identify that item for storage and issue purposes.
STORAGE MODULE. (1) Those items such as pallets, containers, boxes, etc., containing, holding or constituting the unit load. (2) A modular AS/RS device.
STORAGE/RETRIEVAL (S/R) MACHINE. A machine operating on floor or other mounted rail(s) used for transferring a load from storage compartment to a P & D station and from a P & D station to a storage compartment. The S/R machine is capable of moving a load both vertically and parallel with the aisle and laterally placing the load in a storage location.
STOREHOUSE. A place or space for storing goods.
STORY. The space between the surface of two successive floors in a building, or between the top floor and the ceiling or underside of the roof frame.
STOPPING TOLERANCE (CAROUSEL). The maximum deviation expected when a rotating carousel is stopped under maximum imbalanced load and maximum unit-load conditions.
STORAGE POLICY. A set of rules used by warehouse managers to determine where incoming items are to be stored in a warehouse and how many storage spaces must be assigned to each.
STRADDLE TRUCK. A self-loading outrigger type industrial truck, generally high-lift, for picking up and handling loads between its outrigger arms.
STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING. A nonnegotiable document by which a carrier acknowledges receipt of freight and contracts for its movement. The surrender of the original straight bill of lading is not required by the transportation line upon delivery of the freight except when necessary for the purpose of identifying the consignee.
STRAIGHT CHUTE. A sloped chute designed to transfer bulk materials, packages, or objects in a straight line from point of entry to point of discharge.
STRAIGHT-IN STRAIGHT-OUT DOCK. A particular dock layout in which the docks are constructed in a way that allows trucks to enter and exit the dock area in a straight line perpendicular to the building wall where the dock is located.
STRAPPING. A reinforcing or securing of crates, boxes, bales or bundles by encircling with round or flat banding material (metal or fabric).
STRAP SLOT. A small opening in the stringer or on the underside of top deckmember to facilitate use and prevent movement of unit load fastening material.
STRETCHWRAP. A method of unitizing a load by stretching and wrapping a plastic sheet tightly over the load.
STRINGER. A continuous longitudinal deck spacer.
STRINGERMEMBER. A subsurface element on full four-way entry wood pallets beneath and at right angles to the deckmember but above the block, leg or post spacers.
SUPPORTS, CONDUCTOR. Mechanical supports for conductor bars.
SUSPENDED TRAY CONVEYOR. A vertical conveyor having one or more endless chains with suitable pendant trays, cars or carriers which receive objects at one elevation(s) and deliver them to another elevation(s).
SWITCH, MONORAIL. A device with a moving section or sections of track which can be moved to permit passage of a carrier from an incoming track to one of various outgoing tracks. (See ROTARY OR SLIDING TYPE SWITCH.)
SYMBOL. A combination of characters including start/stop characters and check characters, as required, which form a complete scannable entity.
SYMBOL DENSITY. The number of characters per lineal inch.
SYMBOL LENGTH. The length of the symbol measured from the beginning of the quiet area adjacent to the start character to the end of the quiet area adjacent to a stop character.
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