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HALO EFFECT OR HALO ERROR. The tendency, and error, to rate an employee on several dimensions based on how well they perform on just one dimension. Typically this tendency reveals itself in the attribution of favorable characteristics to a person who is already favorably evaluated and unfavorable characteristics to a person who is already unfavorably evaluated.
HANDICAPPED WORKER RATE. A lower rate of pay for a worker whose efficiency is impaired because of physical or mental disabilities. Under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, rates below the legal minimum wage may be established for disabled workers in accordance with regulations issued pursuant to section 14 of the act. (See SUBSTANDARD RATE.)
HANDICAPPED WORKERS. Workers whose capacities or earning abilities are impaired by physical or mental disability.
HARDSHIP ALLOWANCE PREMIUM. Hardship allowance of premium bears no relation to the work to be done nor living costs but is paid in recognition of extraordinarily difficult living conditions, great physical demands, or notably unhealthy conditions or environment.
HAY SYSTEM. A point factor system that evaluates jobs with respect to “know-how,” “problem-solving,” and “accountability.” It is used primarily for salaried jobs.
HAZARD PAY. Extra payment for work performed while exposed to abnormal or unsafe conditions.
HAZARDS. Danger or risks encountered by employees in the work environment, or resulting from conditions of employment.
HEALTH AND INSURANCE PLAN. A program of providing financial protection to workers and families against death, illness, accidents, and other risks, in which the costs are borne in whole or in part by the employer. One or more of the following major benefits may be provided for the worker and dependents: life insurance plan, accidental death and dismemberment benefits, accident and sickness benefits, surgical and medical benefits, and major medical expense benefits.
HEALTH CENTER. A clinic administered by a union or by employer(s) and union(s) where members and their families may receive medical examinations and treatment free or at a nominal charge.
HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION (HMO). Prepaid group medical service organization emphasizing preventative health care. Defined in the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 as “an organized system for the delivery of comprehensive health maintenance and treatment services to voluntarily enrolled members for a pre-negotiated, fixed periodic payment.” Subject to meeting certain standards and conditions specified in the act and associated regulations, HMO’s must be offered to participants in group health plans as an alternative choice for coverage.
HEARING. The presentation of an arbitration case or the gathering of information regarding an issue.
HIGH TASK. Performance of an average experienced operator working at an incentive pace, over an eight-hour day under safe conditions, without undue or cumulative fatigue. Often stated as a percentage above normal performance. (See NORMAL PERFORMANCE, LOW TASK.)
HIGH TIME. The time workers are engaged in a job high above ground, and, thus, dangerous or uncomfortable, as in construction. Sometimes also applied to work below ground level with extra dangers or discomforts for the worker. (See HAZARD PAY.)
HIRING. The procurement and employment of personnel to fill current or future position vacancies.
HIRING HALL. An office maintained by a union, or jointly by employers and a union, for referring workers to jobs or for the actual hiring operation. Common in maritime industry.
HIT-THE-BRICKS. Slang for “to go on strike.”
HOLDBACK PAY. Any wages withheld from an employee’s pay other than that required by law or an employee benefit program.
HOLIDAY PAY. Pay to workers, typically at regular rates, for holidays not worked. Payments are often provided at premium rates for work on such days
HOME LEAVE. A periodic leave in the country of domicile for overseas staff members and their dependents.
HOMEWORK. Production of industrial goods by workers in their homes from materials supplied by the employer.
HORIZONTAL UNION. A union which includes only workers in a single crate or skill, or closely related skills, such as carpenters, electricians, etc., usually cutting across industry lines. Use of tem is declining . See CRAFT UNION.)
HOSPITALIZATION BENEFITS. Plan that provides workers, and in many cases, their dependents, with hospital room and board (e.g., semi-private room) or cash allowances towards the cost of such care for a specified number of days plus the full cost of specified services. Usually part of a more inclusive health insurance program. (See HEALTH AND INSURANCE PLAN.)
HOT-CARGO CLAUSE. An agreement provision stipulating that employees covered by the agreement cannot be required to handle or use goods shipped from, or bound to, an employer who is involved in a strike with a union.
HOURLY RATE. The rate of pay expressed in terms of dollars-and-cents-per-hour. Hourly rates are normally basic rates i.e., exclusive of extra payments for shift work and overtime, and exclusive of production or non-production bonus payments. May also mean “earned rate per hour” under incentive methods of wage payment.
HOURLY RATE WAGE PLAN. A plan for paying an employee a fixed amount per hour regardless of production.
HOUSE ORGAN(S). A company magazine or publication containing news and articles concerned with employees, company plans, programs and products, and primarily of interest to employees, customers, and stockholders.
HOUSING ALLOWANCE. A differential paid to adjust for differences between local housing costs and the costs for similar housing at other employer locations.
HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY. A branch of labor economics proposing that the investment one is willing to make to enter an occupation is related to the returns one will earn over time in the form of compensation.
HUMAN RELATIONS. Term applied to a broad area of managerial effort and research dealing with the social and psychological relations among people at work; practical application includes improving personal relationships, reducing friction, improving organization, and thereby enhancing effectiveness.
HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEES. Continuing committees of employees and management, often called quality circles or participative management teams set up to study problems, and to make recommendations for improvements. In some instances participative teams are empowered to implement the decisions made.
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. A term replacing personnel department, industrial relations department, or employment department, emphasizing performance improvement and personnel development.
HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAMS. Plans of the human resources department for the development and training of personnel.
HUNDRED PERCENT INCENTIVE. A wage incentive plan which, unlike a sharing plan, permits employees to receive the entire monetary value of direct labor savings resulting from above standard performance.
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