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GAINSHARING. A financial incentive plan in which the savings from improved productivity (savings gained) are shared between the company and the employees. (See PROFIT SHARING, PRODUCTIVITY GAINSHARING (PGS))
GARNISHMENT OF WAGES. The practice of legally attaching the wages of a debtor and collecting the debt directly via his employer.
GENERAL WAGE CHANGES. Wage adjustments which affect large numbers of workers in a similar manner at the same time.
GEOGRAPHIC DIFFERENTIALS. Pay differentials established for the same job based on differences in cost of living between or among two or more geographical areas.
GHOST EMPLOYEES. Employees on the payroll who do not actually report for work; frequently used as a conduit for illegal payments to various individuals or groups.
GIVEAWAYS. Benefits offered by a company and not asked for by the union or the employees.
GIVEBACKS. Negotiated elimination from a future labor agreement of past benefits or wages. Also known as concessions.
GOING RATE (GOING WAGES). Usual or prevailing compensation for a job or job classification. (See PREVAILING RATE.)
GOLDEN HANDCUFFS. Employee benefits and related incentives that tend to hold an individual in continued employment by an organization.
GOLDEN PARACHUTE. A special financial protection plan for key executives in the event of an unfriendly takeover by another firm.
GONVEAL. Illegal return of a portion of earnings by a worker to an employer or supervisor as a tribute for retaining his job.
GOON. Slang term for a person hired by either management or union during a labor dispute to make trouble and intimidate the opposition by violence or the threat of violence.
GRANDFATHERING. Maintaining of benefits or other advantages for designated individuals in specific instances because of seniority or prior circumstance. (See RED CIRCLE RATE.)
GRAVEYARD SHIFT. The shift beginning around midnight and ending in the morning. (See SHIFT.)
GREEN CIRCLED RATE. An individual rate that is being paid below the minimum rate of the established pay range for that person’s job or pay grade. The rate is green circled to assure that a speeded up adjustment is made to bring the person into the rate range.
GRIEVANCE. Any complaint or expressed dissatisfaction by an employee in connection with job, pay, or other aspects of employment. An alleged violation of the contract. Whether it is formally recognized and handled as a “grievance” depends on the scope of the grievance procedure.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. A formal plan, specified in union agreements, which provides a channel for the adjustment of grievances through discussions at progressively higher levels of authority in management and union, often culminating in arbitration if necessary. Formal grievance procedure plans may also be found in nonunion companies.
GRIEVANCE STEPS. The specified steps in a grievance procedure by which a grievance dispute moves from one level of authority to the next higher level.
GROSS AVERAGE HOURLY EARNINGS. A measure of hourly wages obtained by dividing total compensation, including premium payments for overtime and late-shift work, as well as recurrent production and nonproduction bonuses, prior to payroll deduction for taxes, social security, or other purposes for a given payroll period by man-hours worked plus hours paid for sick leave, holidays and vacations. Total compensation computed monthly on an industry basis for comprehensive groups of manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its employment and payroll reporting program.
GROSS AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS. A measure of weekly wages obtained by dividing total compensation prior to payroll deductions for taxes, social security payments, and other purposes for a given weekly payroll period by total employment or, alternatively, by multiplying average hourly earnings by average weekly hours. Computed monthly on an industry basis for comprehensive groups of manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its employment and payroll reporting program.
GROUP ANNUITY PLAN. Pension plan underwritten and administered by an insurance company. Trusteed Plan. Noninsured; contributions deposited with bank, trust company, or board of trustees, who administers the program. Deposit Administration. Insurance company assumes role of trustee, as above. Money Purchase Plan. Fixed contributions to the worker’s account, the pension is thus determined by the amount contributed. (See RETIREMENT PLAN, GROUP ANNUITY PLAN, ANNUITY.)
GROUP BONUS. A bonus payment based on the performance of a group of workers operating as a unit.
GROUP INCENTIVE (PLAN). An incentive plan in which individual worker earnings are based upon a share of the total incentive earnings reflecting the combined performance of the entire group.
GROUP JOBS. Jobs where several employees work in concert to accomplish a particular task. Members of the group may or may not be skilled in all of the jobs within the group. (See TEAM MANNING.)
GROUP PAYMENT. Compensation amount paid to employees comprising an identifiable work unit. May be paid as incentive earnings.
GROUP PIECEWORK PLAN. A method of compensating all workers in a designated group on the basis of total group piecework earnings.
GUARANTEE. The minimum time for a job upon which compensation for work is calculated. (MINIMUM GUARANTEE.)
GUARANTEED ANNUAL WAGE. Minimum assured compensation under plan providing guaranteed annual employment.
GUARANTEED BASE RATE. Minimum pay rate for specific tasks or for work performed under special circumstances.
GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT. A plan providing a minimum number of days employment in a work year.
GUARANTEED HOURLY RATE. An assured rate of pay.
GUARANTEED RATE. The rate of pay assured to an incentive worker.
GUARANTEED STANDARD. An assured rate of pay based upon quantity of work produced.
GUARANTEED TIME. Rate of hourly or weekly pay guaranteed to a worker under an incentive system. May differ from base rate. The term is sometimes used for weekly wage or employment guarantees (e.g., a guarantee of 36 hours work for employees called to work on the first day of the workweek).
GUARANTEED WAGE PLAN. An arrangement by which an employer guarantees or assures employees a specific amount of wages. (See ANNUAL WAGE OR EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE, WAGE ADVANCE PLAN.)
GUARANTEED WAGE RATE. An assured rate of pay for a given job or classification. Usually applied per hour worked.
GUARANTEE OR TRIAL RATE. A minimum guaranteed rate that remains in effect during the time that trial runs are made on new work and a trial or temporary piece rate is in effect. The level of these guaranteed rates is usually higher than plant minimum job or base rates, and is related to past earnings of the individual or the group of workers affected. (See TEMPORARY RATE.)
GUIDELINE METHOD OF JOB EVALUATION OR JOB PRICING. A method which involves “pricing” a job to a pre- determined salary structure (by selecting the range midpoint closest to the job price) and then realigning the hierarchy on the basis of relative internal job worth.
GUIDEPOSTS. Standards by which unions and business leaders, and the general public, can appraise particular wage and price decisions.
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