Z94.1 - Analytical Techniques & Operations Research Terminology

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TABLEAU. The current matrix, with auxiliary row and/or columns, as it appears at an iterative stage in the standard simplex method.

TECHNOLOGY MATRIX. The coefficient matrix, or (aij), as distinguished from the costs coefficients (cj) and the right-hand sides (bj) of a linear programming problem.

TESTING. A means of determining the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental, or operating actions and conditions. [3:17]

TIME, ADJUSTMENT OR CALIBRATION. That element of maintenance time during which the needed adjustments or calibrations are made. [28]

TIME, ADMINISTRATIVE. Those elements of delay time that are not included in supply delay time. [28]

TIME, ALERT. That element of uptime during which an item is thought to be in specified operating condition and is awaiting a command to perform its intended mission. [28]

TIME (AS USED IN RELIABILITY DEFINITIONS). Refers to any duration of observations of the considered items— either in actual operation or in storage, readiness, etc., but excludes downtime due to a failure.  Note: In definitions where “time” is used, this parameter may be replaced by distance, cycles, or other measures of life as may be appropriate. This refers to terms such as acceleration factor, wear-out failure, failure rate, mean life, mean-time-between-failures, mean-time-to-failure reliability, and useful life. [20]

TIME, CHECKOUT. That element of maintenance time during which performance of an item is verified to be in specified condition. [28]

TIME, CLEANUP. That element of maintenance time during which the item is enclosed and extraneous material not required for operation is removed. [28]

TIME DELAY. That element of downtime during which no maintenance is being accomplished on the item because of either supply delay or administrative reasons. [28]

TIME, DOWN (DOWNTIME). The element of time during which the item is not in condition to perform its intended function. [28]

TIME, FAULT CORRECTION. That element on maintenance time during which a failure is corrected by a) repairing in place; b) removing, repairing, and replacing; or c) removing and replacing with alike serviceable item. [28]

TIME, FAULT LOCATION. That element of maintenance time during which testing and analysis are performed on an item to isolate a failure. [28]

TIME, INACTIVE. That time during which an item is in reserve (in the inactive inventory). [28]

TIME, ITEM OBTAINMENT. That element of maintenance time during which the needed item or items are being obtained from designated organization stockrooms. [28]

TIME, MISSION. That element of uptime during which the item is performing its designated mission. [28]

TIME, MODIFICATION. The time necessary to introduce any specific change(s) to an item to improve its characteristics or to add new ones. [28]

TIME, PREPARATION. That element of maintenance time needed to obtain the necessary test equipment and maintenance manuals, and set up the necessary equipment to initiate fault location. [28]

TIME-SERIES. A time-series is a set of ordered random variables on a quantitative characteristic of an individual or collective phenomenon taken at different points of time.

TOLERANCE (SPECIFICATION SENSE). The total allowable variation around a level or state (upper limit minus lower limit), or the maximum acceptable excursion of a characteristic.

TRANSFORMATION MATRIX. An elementary matrix representing a single change of basis. It is the inverse of a matrix formed from an identity matrix (which is the present basis in terms of itself) by replacing one unit vector (representing the departing variable) with another vector (representing the entering vector). The entering variable is expressed in terms of the present (old) basis. [19]

TRANSFORMATION OF A MATRIX. A change in the appearance of a matrix which leaves the solutions to the corresponding set of linear equations unchanged; a change of basis. [19]

TRANSIENT STATE. In contrast with steady state, a state before some time t such that there is a probability approaching zero that the system can return to that (transient) state.

TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM. A homogeneous product is to be shipped in the amounts a1, a2,...am respectively from each of m shipping origins and received in amounts b1,b2,...,bn respectively by each of n shipping destinations. The cost of shipping a unit amount from the ith origin to the jth destination is cij and is known for all combinations (i,j). The problem is to determine the amounts xij to be shipped over all routes (i,j) so as to minimize the total cost of transportation. [15]

TRANSSHIPMENT PROBLEM. A generalized transportation problem in which items may pass through intermediate nodes between source and destination. [11]

TRAVELING-SALESMAN PROBLEM. A salesman is required to visit each of n cities, indexed by l,...n. He leaves from a home base city indexed by 0, visits each of the n cities exactly once, and returns to city 0. It is required to find an itinerary which minimizes the total distance traveled by the salesman. [15]

TREE. A network having n nodes is a tree if it has (n - 1) arcs and no loops. [11]

TRIM PROBLEM. The problem of cutting rolls of paper or other material to meet the orders for a specified list of roll widths. The problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem. [19]

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