Ergonomics – Webinar archive

AES Webinars 2024

How to Create a World-Class Ergo Team

Presented by the Applied Ergonomics Society (AES)
Presenter: Dr. Davana Pilczuk
October 16, 2024

Want to know how to get the best from your ergo team? Frustrated that you keep meeting, but results are slow to appear? Then you’ll want to watch our fun webinar geared towards making good teams great. Learn a few tips and tricks to spotting talent and getting others engaged to help you solve ergo problems! Make your training sessions a lot more effective with our proven interactive techniques.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once: A new approach to physical ergonomics assessments

Presented jointly by the Applied Ergonomics Society (AES) and the Human Factor and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group
Presenter: Jim Potvin, Ph.D.

In this talk, Dr. Potvin presents a new approach to ergonomics task assessments that (1) includes the determination of the full range of feasible postures for a given task, (2) performs a comprehensive analysis with multiple assessment tools, and then (3) fully integrates the results for the user.

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AES Webinars 2023

Continuing Education in Ergonomics (University Programs) - Part 2

Presented by jointly by the Applied Ergonomics Society (AES) and the Human Factor and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
Presenters: Mark Schall-Auburn Univ, John Rosecrance-Colorado State, Melissa Afterman-Univ. of California, San Francisco, Michelle Meyer-Univ. of California, Berkley

Representatives from Auburn University, Colorado State University, University of California, San Francisco, and University of California, Berkeley will share information about their programs (material, objectives, target audience, format, etc.). 

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Continuing Education in Ergonomics (University Programs)

Presented by jointly by the Applied Ergonomics Society (AES) and the Human Factor and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
Presenters: Dr. Gary Allread, Sheryl Ulin, Ph.D., CPE, Julia G. Abate, MSE, CPE

Representatives from Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and North Carolina State University shared information about their programs (material, objectives, target audience, format, etc.).

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AEC 2023

Leadership Principles for Ergonomist

Presenter: Tami Blackwell, CPE, MISE, MBA, ergonomics consultant with BSI Consulting Services

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Methods for Cost-Justifying Ergonomics

Presenter: Rick Barker, principal solutions strategist for VelocityEHS

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Finding & Sparking Inspiration for Ergonomics Solutions

Presenter: Bobbie Watts, Ph.D., CPE, director of ergonomics for Michelin Americas

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High-Reliability Organizations in Healthcare

A joint webinar brought to you by the Applied Ergonomics Society and the IISE Body of Knowledge
Dr. David Claudio and Dr. Jon Boyer

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Strategies and Challenges in Applying Anthropometric Data in Design

A joint webinar brought to you by AES and the Human Factors Ergonomics Society
 Mitch Carswell, CPE and Bruce Bradtmiller, Ph.D.

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AEC 2022

A Team's Journey to the Ergo Cup Competition

Presenters: Dudley Rogers and Brian Tollison, CINTAS
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Workspace Considerations to Welcome and Support Neurodiversity

Presenter: Dr. Lauren Gant
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Exoskeletons and Ergonomics: Past, Present and Future

Presenter: Matthew Marino
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Emerging Technologies in Ergonomics: Are You Ready?

Presenter: Kent Hatcher
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AEC 2021

Safe Handling of Patients during COVID

Presenter: Lynda Enos, RN, BSN, MS, CHOHN-S,CPE, Ergonomist/Human Factors Specialist, Human Fit, LLC
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The Role of Ergonomic Leadership During COVID

Presenter: Bobbie Watts, Ph.D., director of ergonomics, Michelin Americas
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How to Leverage Technology to Effectively & Efficiently Support Working from Home

Presenter: Blake McGowan, director of research, Humantech
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Gemba, Blitz, Kaizen and Kaikaku – What Will Help My Ergo Program?

Presenter: Jeff Smagacz, global ergonomics, Marsh Risk Consulting
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AEC 2020

The following presentations are coordinated by the Applied Ergonomics Conference Committee:

AEC 2019

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2019 in New Orleans:

AEC 2018

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2018 in Atlanta:

AEC 2017

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2017 in Orlando:

AEC 2016

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2016 in Orlando, Florida:

AEC 2015

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee:

AEC 2014

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2014 in Orlando, Florida:

AEC 2013

The following presentations served as previews for the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2013 in Dallas, Texas:

Other popular webinars 

Overcoming Ergonomics Challenges in Obesity and Material Handling

This webinar features presentations on two challenging ergonomics topics. One will cover a solution to the epidemic obesity problem in the United States. The other will tackle ways to reduce injuries from manual material handling in manufacturing and assembly jobs. This webinar is open to members and nonmembers. 

AEC First-time Attendee Orientation

New to the Applied Ergonomics Conference? Confused about the conference agenda? Wondering what the Ergo Cup® is? Wish you knew the difference between a Master Track and Roundtable session? Susan and Mike will provide pointers on navigating your way through the Applied Ergonomics Conference. With numerous talks, excellent networking opportunities, the renowned Ergo Cup® Competition and an exhibit hall full of exciting products and services – you’ll want to know how to best use your time at the conference.   

Participatory Ergonomics: A Path to Sustainable Ergonomics

Participatory ergonomics is an effective approach to introduce and grow ergonomics methods and awareness in smaller enterprises, where an ergonomics expert is not likely to be available on an ongoing basis, and even if available, perhaps not affordable. Participatory methods are especially effective in organizations that are on a "lean journey." 

The Insurance Dilemma with Manual Material Handling Issues in Retail and Wholesale

The focus of the presentation is from an insurance company's workers' compensation perspective on the issues associated with material handling in the retail and wholesale environment. 

Current Trends in Ergonomics II*

Presenters are featured speakers at the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2012
In this webinar, presenters gave an overview of planned talks for the conference and discussed how topics relate to current trends in ergonomics. Sandra Woolley gave an overview of her talk, "Having Trouble Implementing an Ergonomics Program? Consider Partnering with Quality" and Ben Zavitz gave an overview of his workshop, "Application of New Ergonomic Tools and Methods to the Lean, Ergonomics & Six Sigma Process."

Current Trends in Ergonomics*

Presenters are featured speakers at the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2012
In this webinar, presenters give an overview of planned talks for the conference and discuss how topics relate to current trends in ergonomics. Peter Budnick discusses, "Global Ergonomics and the Wired World: Challenges and Opportunities." Bill Boyd provides insight on "Becoming a Certified Professional Ergonomist."  

Applied Ergonomics Conference: The Ergo Cup® Competition

This session will provide a brief overview of the Ergo Cup® including submission categories, guidelines on a successful registration, instructions on how to submit a registration and hear from two 2012 Ergo Cup winners highlighting their projects and their overall experience with the Ergo Cup competition. 

Conducting an Internal Company Ergo Cup® Competition

This webinar allows participants to learn from the experiences of three companies who have collectively been conducting internal Ergo Cup® competitions for nearly 20 years. GE, PPG Industries and Honda of America have all been holding and making incremental improvements to their company's Ergo Cup® programs for several years.

The Ergo Cup® Competition Do's and Don't's

This webinar, facilitated by the Ergo Cup co-chairs, will provide valuable tips for enhancing your online application thereby improving the competitiveness of your Ergo Cup entry.

Ergo Teams ... The secret of managing multiple sites

Learn how Raytheon manages ergo teams across multiple locations by making ergonomic services available, using Six Sigma tools, and developing and training the team. Raytheon will also share the results and lessons learned from their efforts.

How to create a winning Ergo Cup® booth

During this webinar, Matlis will share her experiences on creating a winning Ergo Cup booth without breaking the budget. You will learn "must-haves" to help you communicate your story and impress on the judges and conference attendees the results you have achieved through the implementation of your project.

Click here to view upcoming GOErgo/AEC webinars.